Surefoot 24: Snakes on a Starship

"Jonas," Kami murmured, Misha still in her arms but staring at the young man as well. "I'm sorry. I know you, and how terrible it was for you to do what you just did." She drew closer, taking his hand in hers and squeezing. "And I thank you, for saving my son, and me."

"And the rest of us, Very Good Friend Jonas," Kit added sympathetically.

He nodded to them all, before recovering a little and declaring, "I'll see about putting together another weapon for myself." Then he glanced around hurriedly. "After- After I find I place to be sick-"

He just about made it to the floor behind a work table, Eydiir joining to help him.


Deck 5 Mid -- Life Support:

T'Varik's hands moved over the controls, while C'Rash stayed near the doorway and kept guard, glancing over at her companion and fellow officer. "Is it working?"

The Vulcan waited an interminable amount of time before finally responding. "Yes. As I suspected, the invaders did not seek to include Life Support systems in their takeover, or they were unable to override the additional security and safety firewalls in place. Now I can reduce the temperature and raise the carbon dioxide levels within Auxiliary Control and the corridor outside it until they are rendered unconscious."

"Or they try to escape."

"Then no doubt you will have the opportunity to indulge in more murder."

The Caitian stared at the back of T'Varik's head, before finally approaching her, reaching out and touching her shoulder.

T'Varik started. "This is not the appropriate time for that-"

C'Rash turned her so they faced each other, and she put her arms around the other woman, pressing the side of her muzzle against the Vulcan's face, as she whispered, "Yes it is. We've made love. We've mind melded. You know me, more intimately than any other lover I've had, any other person I've known. So, use that knowledge, use your amazing intellect, and tell me: am I really some sadistic murderous animal?"

T'Varik let herself shake off the tension and anxiety she allowed to fester within herself. "No. You are not. I regret inferring otherwise. It was unseemly." She drew back, composed once more. "I still believe that there is a logical and ethical means to response to threats, and that one should not give in to so-called bloodlust."

The Caitian breathed in. "Then... I will try to save my lust for your bedroom." She smiled. "Assuming I'm still allowed to join you there?"

T'Varik raised an eyebrow. "That is an inappropriate enquiry at this time. We will discuss it at a future date. In my quarters." She stepped back and walked around her. "I believe our environmental assault will have reached maximum efficacy by now."

The corridor outside was chill, making their breath ghost as they coughed from the altered atmosphere, and there was even frost on the walls and floors, making their footfalls crunch as they made their way down and around the corner, stopping and peering to confirm the sight of the Vlathi outside of Auxiliary Control, now lying still. T'Varik knelt beside it and touched its neck. "I believe it's dropped into a state of hibernation."

C'Rash had entered the room and examined the two human crewmen from the Nagaina. "These guys are out of it, but still alive." She reached up under her uniform top. "Take your bra off."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I need something to tie their hands behind their backs." She wriggled in place as she managed to slip it out from within her clothes without disturbing them too much. "Come on, it's a logical and ethical means to dealing with the threat. Besides, you're firm enough that you don't need it."

T'Varik stared for a moment, before complying. "May I suggest in future you carry handcuffs with you?"

"Kinky bitch."

As T'Varik handed her the item of clothing and C'Rash dealt with the humans, the Vulcan approached the Auxiliary Control boards, taking a moment to examine the changes, before overriding them. "T'Varik to Bridge, please respond."

After a moment, Neheru's voice filled the room. "Commander! It's good to hear from you! What's going on?"

"Lieutenant, we have been invaded by hostile forces, number and nature unknown at this time, but they must be considered extremely dangerous. There is a dampening field generator somewhere onboard, affecting phasers, sensors, transporter locks and our combadge system, but as I have just demonstrated, internal communications still function. They had Auxiliary Control, but Lieutenant C'Rash and I have retaken it.

I have restored control to the Bridge; initiate a Level 5 Lockout to prevent its loss again, and secure your area in case the hostiles attempt to take your section. Have you heard from the Captain?"

"No, Ma'am, we've been completely cut off in here."

"Sound General Quarters, all non-essential personnel to remain where they are until further notice, and send a Priority One Distress signal to any Starfleet vessels in the area. I am dropping the forcefields in the corridors and reactivating the turbolifts. Lt C'Rash and I will make our way updeck to search for the Captain and any other crewmembers. If you do not hear from us again in 15 minutes, flood the rest of the ship with anesthizine gas. T'Varik out."

C'Rash had lifted up the weapons dropped by the Nagaina crew. "Why wait? Why not just knock us all out now and sort things out later?"

She walked up to the other woman, her expression sober. "We do not know what level of concentration is required to incapacitate the serpentine entities... but I can hazard that even a normal dosage for most adult humanoids might be harmful to an infant like Misha."

C'Rash tensed at the thought, handing her one of the rifles. "Then let's get moving." As they stepped out and towards the turbolift, the Caitian nodded to the rifle T'Varik was holding with obvious discomfort. "From Sigma Iotia. Ballistic, fires metal slugs via chemical propellants-"

"I am aware of the principle behind ballistic weaponry, Lieutenant."

"Yeah, well, that switch on the side is the Safety, and below it, the options for firing single shots, small-round bursts or Full Auto. Not sure how many shots the magazines hold, but you might want to conserve your ammunition in a firefight-"

"I am certain that I will not be required to employ this for anything other than intimidation," the Vulcan assured her, as they entered the waiting turbolift.


Deck 3 Fore -- Holodeck 1 Support Room:

Hrelle moved with incautious speed as he emerged from the maintenance room, weapon in hand and his senses on alert for his wife and son, as an announcement came up around them. "All hands, this is the Bridge: we have been boarded by hostile forces. General Quarters is in effect, we have regained control of ship's functions but phasers and the combadge system remain non-functioning at this time. Security forces are currently engaged in retaking the occupied sections of the ship. Stay in your present locations unless you are directly threatened."

He strode out -- and dropped his weapon as he was tackled from behind by one of the Vlathi, who shot out from the darkness opposite him, slamming him into the adjacent wall. It was wrapping itself around his legs, even as it struggled to sink its fangs into his neck. He roared, claws bared, furious at himself as much as his opponent for being caught like that-

Suddenly the Vlathi screeched, as bullets tore into its lower half, erupting blood from the wounds. Hrelle grit his teeth and looked up to see Neraxis, holding her pistol and controlling her shots, her eyes wide as she shouted, "GET OFF HIM! NOW!"

The Vlathi was uncoiling itself from Hrelle and drawing bad, hissing as it clutched the stem of its body above where the Bolian had shot him. "Filthy infidel scum! I'll rip you to pieces! I'll kill you, your family-"

She pointed the pistol to its head. "Shut up." Without looking away, she asked, "Can you get up, Captain?"

He nodded as he rose. "Yes, thank you, Crewman." He picked up his Launcher. "Get him in the nearest lifepod, put a security lock on it from the outside, get him medical aid afterwards."

The Vlathi hissed. "I will not be caged!"

He aimed the Launcher at its head. "Then you'll be killed. Make your choice: Three. Two. One-"

It hissed -- but complied. Seconds later, they were on their way towards the rear of the deck, the thick scents in the air of Vlathi and his wife and cub making him hasten towards-

From the portside corridor, Ma'Sala and the other Caitians appeared, Rrori reporting, "Sir, did you hear the announcement-"

He didn't respond, entering and wincing in disgust at the sight of two dead Vlathi, sprawled over the Sickbay floor -- alongside the body of Dr Ling. Had she been betrayed by her paymasters, or did she defy them and pay the price?

He didn't stop to speculate further as he moved to the open, smashed Isochamber, catching the fresh scent of Kami and Misha in here, thick and frightened... but otherwise, now missing.


He stepped out to see Ma'Sala squatting beside an open hatch to a Jefferies Tube. "They went through here, along with some of your cadets. Downward."

He hardened his expression as he scented them as well. "Their scent goes forward, and most likely down to either the Fabrication Lab or one of the Shuttlebay Support Areas. The Vlathi and Nagaina crew have taken the Shuttlebay. I'll follow-"

"Sir," Neraxis prompted. When he stopped and looked up at her, she continued. "Sir, it's not appropriate for you to go in there. Thykrill or I should go, and lead them back up here."

"Absolutely not. It's too dangerous for you."

"Begging your pardon, Sir, but this is my job." The Bolian remained sober and resolute. "I know they're your family, Sir, but you're still the Captain-"

"You're forgetting yourself, Cadet!" he snapped at her.

"No, Captain," Ma'Sala said quietly. "She's not."

He looked at his kin-mother... and quietly acceded the truth. He nodded to Neraxis. "Get going. We'll head down by the Central Corridor on 4, distract them and give you a chance to get them back up here. And be careful, Neraxis."

"Aye, Sir." She handed over her rifle to Thykrill and took an extra magazine for her pistol, before dropping down and heading into the Tube without hesitation.

Hrelle and Ma'Sala rose, rushing out with Thykrill and the others -- but then stopping and looking at his relatives and guests. "Kami and Misha are on the deck below. So are the attackers. Cadets Thykrill and Rrori are in my crew, and Ma'Sala is an experienced officer. But the rest of you are civilians. You should head back to your quarters-"

"If our daughter and grandson are still in danger," Mi'Tree said, looking to his husband and nodded. "Then we're coming along."

Mirow looked to Ptera as well, before replying, "Same here, Captain."

Hrelle nodded, not wanting to waste any more time.


Deck 4 Fore -- Shuttlebay Workshop:

Kit had found a covering and draped it over the remains of the Vlathi, while Kami, still holding Misha, was helping Jonas overcome the recent events. Then he heard the noise inside the Tube from behind the door. "Good Friends! Come!"

They approached, an ashen-faced Jonas asking, "What is it, Kit?"

"Noise, from behind the door!"

From behind the metal hatch, a familiar voice boomed, "Hey, Strokers!"

Jonas grinned. "Neraxis!" He slid it open and helped her out, clutching her. "Are we glad to see you!"

"Same here -- but get that door shut again, I heard more of those Vlathi crawling around in there."

They complied, Neraxis glancing around and noting the object under the covering. "Holy Hraxor, you've been busy- are you all okay?"

"So far," Kami replied. "Have you seen my husband?"

"He's up on the next floor, with all your relatives in tow. They're coming down to distract them while we vamoose back up." She nodded. "So, let's vamoose."

They reopened the hatch -- freezing as Misha hissed.

Kami held up a hand for silence, and knelt down closer to the hatch opening, listening and sniffing, before darting back, mouthing to them Close It!

As Neraxis did so, Kami asked Jonas aloud, "Can you seal that?"

Jonas rose for the Medical Case, returning with some dermal sealant and applying it along the perimeter of the door. "This is the best I can do on short notice. But it won't hold them long."

Neraxis nodded, drawing her pistol and pointing towards the door at the far end. "If I recall, the workbees and smaller shuttles are on this side of the Bay; they'll be focused on getting the larger warp shuttles going on the other side."

"Are you sure we shouldn't stay here?" Kami asked.

"No," Eydiir replied. "If they come out of the hatch and attack, and the ones in the Bay hear us, we'll be trapped here."

"They do appear most persistent," Kit observed, still holding onto the stunstick.

"According to the Captain, they're here to kill all the Caitians they can find." At Kami's reaction, Neraxis added, "But we're not letting that happen."

Misha hissed again, as the sounds of something attempting the open the hatch from the other side.

Neraxis drew her pistol. "Come on."


Thykrill had taken the lead as Hrelle's group emerged onto Deck 4 near Engineering, but as she was about to turn a corner, Hrelle pulled her back, shucked off his uniform jacket, hung it on the end of the Launcher in his hands, and stuck it out into the Central Corridor leading forward to the Shuttlebay.

The jacket danced as bullets struck it.

"I liked that jacket," he muttered, flicking off the safety, dropping to a squat, leaning around and firing a stun grenade down the corridor, drawing back and wincing at the concussive wave rolling back towards them. His head rang -- but then he started as he looked across to see figures appear from around another corner. "Commander! Lieutenant! About time! Report!"

T'Varik and C'Rash, both wielding weapons obviously taken from the attackers, drew up, but were astute enough not to cross over to the rest of them. The Vulcan responded. "Captain, the Bridge has regained partial control, but transporters, internal sensors, phasers and combadges remain inoperative. I gave orders to flood the rest of the ship with anesthezine in 13.42 minutes, but the potential danger to Misha is-"

"Say no more." He thumbed forward. "You hear anyone there?"

T'Varik tilted her head. "Two individuals near the Mid Junction, staggered breathing... stunned, Sir."

He nodded, signalling to the others to follow. As they ventured forward, Hrelle had a clear view to the Shuttlebay Access doors -- and then hurried as he saw the doors part, and human and Vlathi figures emerged, raising weapons. "COME ON!" He dropped to one knee and fired upwards, striking the ceiling over the enemy. Making them drop and giving Hrelle's people time to make it to safety in the Mid Junction, before joining them.

His heart was pounding; they were closer to the Shuttlebay, but he didn't dare use any more stun grenades, in case Misha and Kami were nearby. As gunfire erupted, he held up a hand for his people to cease, while he called out, "Enough! This is Captain Hrelle! We've retaken our ship and called for backup! It's over! Give yourselves up! No one else has to be hurt!"

Now he listened, hearing voices at the Shuttlebay, one nervous human, one angry Vlathi. "He's right! It's over! We can't get away!"

"No, Hotblood. The Vlathi do not surrender. And neither will you."

"Speak for yourself, Stroke-off. I'm out of here-"

The rest of the human's argument ended in a strangled gasp.

Hrelle's expression twisted as pain gripped him again. No, no, not now!


In the Shuttlebay, Kami, Misha and the cadets emerged, dropping quickly behind some Workbees, watching as the Vlathi and the Nagaina crew were scurrying about in a panic, some reinforcing the gunman firing out into the central corridor, others rushing in and out of one of the warp shuttles on the other side of the Bay.

Neraxis, pistol still drawn, signalled to the others to sneak down to a larger parked shuttle near them-


They looked back to see a Vlathi appear from the workshop they had just exited from, calling again, "Over here! More of them-"

Neraxis raised her pistol and fired at the Vlathi, striking it in the throat and sending it tumbling backwards, before turning to the others. "Quick! That way! Move!"

Jonas led the way, but was grabbed by a Nagaina crewman, until the cadet swung out and punched him in the face, and Eydiir raced around him, sword raised and brought down to cut across a second attacker.

Kit moved up to the rear door of one of the shuttles to open it -- never seeing the Vlathi slithered up onto its roof, its tail coiling down to snatch the stunstick from the Qarari, before using it repeatedly as a bludgeon.

"No!" But Kami couldn't do anything other than try to escape with her son.

Bullets cut into her calf, making her stumble and fall, her hands protecting Misha's head and body as best she could.

The Vlathi from the top of the shuttle leapt down and sank its teeth into Kami's shoulder, even as she struck back with her claws.

Jonas moved back to rescue the infant -- only to double over as bullets struck him in the stomach.

Neraxis shouted and began firing, bringing down the gunmen.

Another Vlathi shot out from behind the shuttle, its tail coiling around Misha's lower half.



And Misha screamed.

The cry reached frequencies outside of the range of most humanoid ears, carrying out from the Shuttlebay and into the Central Corridor, where the Caitians crouched with the Surefoot personnel, still pinned down by the gunfire.

Now, however, on hearing that, without even recognising that they were hearing it, the Caitians rose as one, instinctively galvanised, driven forward, claws and teeth bared, roaring as they charged, oblivious to the threats in their way, even oblivious to the shots that struck them. Such was the speed and ferocity of their charge that the Nagaina crew were overwhelmed, and literally stampeded over.

Young, old, male, female, of Starfleet or Clan Shall or both or neither, it didn't matter. Every Caitian who heard responded without thought, driven by a racial trigger, reacting as instinctively as pulling their hands out of a fire.

Hrelle and Ma'Sala led the way, both leaping onto the back of the Vlathi holding Misha, both clamping their jaws into the throat of the cub's attacker and tearing away the flesh, even as Eydiir joined them, bringing down her sword to cut off the tail just above where it held Misha. The remainder of the tail uncoiled from around the infant, letting the Capellan girl toss aside her sword and scoop him up and away from the carnage, as quickly and carefully as she could.

Around them, the other Caitians attacked the other Vlathi, while the armed Starfleet joined in. Eydiir, injured herself, stumbled as she struggled to get Misha away-

A hiss made her twist, in time to see a huge Vlathi dart at them-

Before its body erupted into a thousand puzzle pieces of blood and shredded flesh, courtesy of the rifle in Commander T'Varik's grip, as she unleashed its magazine at Full Automatic, continuing to fire even after the Vlathi had already fallen.

Eydiir's ears rang from the sound, but she focused on Misha, who was shuddering in obvious pain.

The Vulcan discarded the emptied rifle and raced up to Eydiir, who was as careful as she could be. "Broken bones, internal injuries-"

"Get him to the Emergency Sickbay on this deck."

Eydiir nodded and raced out, as T'Varik turned to the others. The rage that had momentarily possessed the Caitians ebbed, leaving them to focus on the unconscious Kami and the injured cadets, and their own wounds. Hrelle swept his wife up in his arms and raced out, others carrying Jonas and Kit.

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