A Complicated Story Ch. 02

"Then of course we keep it." I sat her down, I could see she was still not completely happy.

"Now what?" I was still confused.

"You are my brother, what if ...you know, three arms or something?" She was serious and now so was I.

"Well we need to get expert help. I suggest we don't tell anyone until we know for sure it is healthy. And whatever you do don't tell dad that would kill him!"

With Wades help we found a doctor that would take Kim on as a patient. When we explained my past medical history, well I would not say sympathetic but at least understanding of our situation.

The year progressed, Dad was holding his own, Kim was wearing loose fitting gowns. School ended Max wanted to go to summer camp with some friends. Jet his puppy was now almost a dog and as we all know his best friend, at least until dinner time, then it was whoever fed him. Kim and I both knew Kori was looking forward to seeing Vince again. I couldn't blame her, I would not give up that easy myself.

This year was scheduled for four days. I dropped her off like last year, more time, more spending money. I stopped by Mildred's, the elderly lady next door when they left and talked to her. She remembered me from last year, that and I sent her flowers and a gift card. I gave her my cell number and told her to call me if she thought I need to be near.

She asked if I was coming back at night. I said I was, she offered to let me stay in her spare room. The back door was just outside it and I could come and go without being seen. I agreed only if I rented it from her. She had a perfect view from one window to Vince's front door and parking spot. I even rented a car so Kori would not recognize mine.

Duly settled in we played cards as we passed the time. The first night, Thursday was uneventful. Friday night he ditched her about nine and did not return until almost two in the morning, He looked drunk as he stumbled in. I drove home Saturday morning and switched to the Explorer. Kori told me they were planning on going to a motorcycle show and swap meet Saturday. Vince was working the booth for the company he worked for. I checked the times and decided I would join them. Turning around I was back on the porch at eleven.

I knocked on the door Kori answered.

"Adam! What are you doing here?" She acted pissed but I could see she was happy to see me.

"Your mom is antiquing, you said that you were going to a motorcycle show, and Vince had to work the afternoon shift. I thought I could walk with you and see the show, while he was working."

He looked at me from behind the screen not sure if he bought my story.

"Look I have to cut out at four so it will only be for a few hours, don't want to rain on your parade. Just thought I could check out some bikes and kill some time" I said politely.

"Just while I am working?" Vince asked sternly.

"I need to leave at four. If you get done before that I can catch up with Kim and look at dusty vases."

Kori looked at Vince. "It's up to you dad!"

He looked at me, Vince is a lousy dad, and probably not the nicest person but he was no dummy. He knew if he said no he would look like a heel, and if he said yes he had nothing to lose.

We ate at the event, I bought of course. Vince showed us the spot he would be at. Kori and I had three hours together. I was glad I went, this is no place for a fourteen year old girl to be alone. Vince is so fucking irresponsible. I dropped her off with Vince and drove back home. By dark I was back at Mildred's.

I had to drive back home to get the rental car, I thought of staying home but something drew me back. Mildred and I shared a dinner she cooked. What a generous old soul, she even made a pie. Vince and Kori did not seem to be home, around ten that changed. The roar of motorcycles could be heard in the distance, soon the noise filled the trailer park.

Vince pulled in a blonde clinging to him on his bike. There were about ten bikes and close to twenty people. I saw Kori climb from a side car mounted on another bike. They went inside, soon the music could be heard. The small trailer could not hold them all so some were outside. I could see them drinking, guys were kissing and groping their female companions. Several people were smoking and by the smell it was not cigarettes.

It was all I could do not to go grab Kori and take her home. I thought about calling the cops but worried I would get my host in trouble. Still I had to do something. There was an empty lot next door, it was a dumping ground, I had seen some old tires among the trash. If I could get one of them to burn the fire department would have to come. Maybe it was not the cops but it would be someone, who knows the cops may come too.

I told Mildred of my plan, she was willing to help, and she had been trying to get the city to clean it up for years. With a few old rags soaked in lighter fluid I made my way to the lot. I found two tires setting in a clearing, I made my way and put the rags inside the tire. I lit the corner of the rag and the flame jumped up inside the tire. It also lit the remnants of the fluid on my left hand. I put it out quickly as I made my way back under cover. I headed to the car and waited until I saw the flames engulf the tire and drove out the back of the park.

Mildred called the fire department as we agreed when she saw the flames. From a distance I could see the people around Vince's watch the fire. As the sirens got closer several started piling on their bikes and drive off, some passing in front of me. I left the area just in case. I was drinking coffee at an all-night diner about an hour later two cops stopped in. I watched them sit at the counter and order. The worker asked if anything exciting was happening, hearing the sirens earlier. The cops said not really, they figured a couple of teenagers were bored and started some trash on fire. I looked down at my left hand. It was red and tender, but not blistered. I was lucky.

I drove back and got the update from Mildred. The fire department easily put the fire out, they only used one hose. The cops stopped by and asked her if she saw anything but she said it was only the fire she saw. They figured it was some kids playing. She asked if they could get the city to clean up the lot. They said they would file it in their report.

Vince left with his girlfriend, Kori was home alone. I almost hoped Kori would call. Still I was happy she was alone. Vince was still not home at ten the next morning. I was to pick Kori up at two. If I left now I would have time to get back, but I wanted to wait until Vince showed up. I called Kim and asked if she could bring the Explorer and drive the rental car home. We agreed to meet at one so I could keep an eye on things. It was almost twelve thirty when Vince showed up his girlfriend still with him. I was just leaving Mildred's trailer when I heard some shouting. It was two women I assumed one was Kori.

When the drama died down I met with Kim and swapped vehicles. We talked for a few moments, we had missed each other, she was having mood swings because of the pregnancy. Concerned about Kori she wanted to go with me. I explained she need to get the car back so Kori did not see it at home.

I arrived a bit early at Vince's. Kori was waiting for me. She headed straight for the truck and put her stuff in the back. I went to the door only to find Vince passed out on the couch.

"Vince!" I yelled. He jerked up looking around before he spotted me on the other side of the screen door.

"What the fuck!" He spat out. "What are you doing here?" I looked to the side and the woman was leaned up against the entrance to the hall. She looked stoned, her body was not bad but her face looked older than I guessed she was. She looked on with disdain for me.

"I am here for Kori, just wanted you to know she was with me." I explained.

"What time is it?" Vince was looking for a clock.

"It's almost two. I hope you two had a good time together!" I replied.

"That little cunt needs some manners." The woman yelled. "She needs to mind her elders..."

"Shut the fuck up bitch! Can't you see I am hurting here?" Vince looked at her.

"Goodbye, Vince." I said calmly.

"Yeah fuck you, just get the hell off my porch!" Vince himself yelled.

I turned to leave but Kori was standing right behind me. I hadn't heard her approach.

"You ready sweetie? Mom is going nuts without you!" I lightly stroked her hair as we walked back to the truck.

The ride back was quiet for some time. Kori was nervous about something. She kept shifting in her seat looking over at me.

What?" I finally asked.

"Can I ask you something Adam?" She struggled to get the words out.

"I would hope you can ask me anything, but I have to warn you like most men, women are still a bit of mystery to me." I joked. She gave me a stern look. "Sorry, my bad, Shoot"

"You promise you won't tell mom or get mad?" Again why all the mystery? Just spit it out I thought.

"Well let's just say I promise contingent on what you ask me." Kori looked out the window then turned back to me.

"Have you ever gotten high?" I was stunned for a moment. Then I realized she was at that age.

"Yes and no. Have I ever had too much to drink? Yes, a few times in college. Have I ever done illegal drugs, including pot? No, never."

"Why, the drugs I mean?" She was listening intently.

"First it is not that I didn't want to try it, I did. But then I asked myself why? To be cool? Cool to who? Then it is illegal, so if I get caught I am in trouble. Big trouble, at home and in life, that stuff follows you around. Growing up is tough enough, why add that to the equation?" I looked over she was taking in every word. "Then there was your mom, she is my younger sister, what example would I be setting for her?"

"Yeah but she did smoke weed so your example didn't help!" Kori was asking as much as explaining.

"Didn't it? She did what she did, but I know I did not lead her that way. And now she no longer does it, I would like to think I did influence her." I explained. "What do you get from it? An escaped from reality? And then what, reality comes back harder than before, so you do more, or more potent drugs, then it controls you and before you know it your hopes and dreams are up in smoke. Alcohol is just as bad, but at least it is legal, controlled by the government for quality and purity. Still it can be abused."

She sat for some time thinking about what I said.

"Adam are you going to ask me?" She looked over.

"No Kori, if you did I can't change that, if you continue to I can't stop that. I will tell you the same thing I told your mother, if I find out you are, you will not be living in our house. There are no three strikes, one and done. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes." She sat quietly. "Adam why does Vince do it?"

"Kori I don't know, I wish I did, he has been into it since I first met him. Obviously jail has not deterred him." Then I thought I may have said something I shouldn't have.

Kori sat for a few minutes. "What did you do to your hand?"

"Ah nothing, just got a little too close to a flame." I glanced over at her, she was studying me.

"That reminds me, there was a fire last night in the lot next door!" She offered. I could feel her watch me.

"Really? A big one?" I kept my eyes on the road.

"Na, but the fire department came out, the cops were looking for who started it!"

"That sounds exciting."

"Yeah, kind of, broke up the party Vince was having." She added

"A party eh?" I looked her way.

"Yeah." She looked me directly in the eyes. "I saw a white car leave next door, just before the fire broke out, it was parked out back at the neighbors most of the weekend. Was there again this morning."

"You think the car had something to do with the fire?" I looked back at the road.

"I hope so!" She turned and looked straight ahead, smiling.

We were more than half way home. Something came over me, I decided to let her in on my secret also.

"Can I tell you something in confidence?" I looked back at her.

"Sure!" I knew she thought I was going to tell her it was me. But I think she already suspected that.

"Your mom is pregnant!" I just blurted it out.

"I knew it? She never dresses that horrible. That is what she has been hiding!" Kori looked at me thrilled to be in on the secret.

"How? I mean was there a donor?" She turned red as she asked.

"I was the donor, I guess I am no longer broken." She turned facing the front of the car I let her think about that for a moment. "You ok, I didn't mean to upset you!"

"You're her brother, you're not supposed to do that." She looked back at me concerned.

"You're right, we didn't think it could ever happen, but it did. That is why we have not told anyone yet, well except for Justin and Wade, they helped with a doctor." I looked over checking on her reaction. "Mom has been to a specialist, everything looks normal."

"Why are you telling me? What do you want?" She scowled at me.

"Want? Kori I don't want anything, I thought you would like to be the first to know." I said softly.

"Why me?" She was confused.

"Look Kori I know I am not your dad but I have always felt you and I have this thing. You know, a kind of trust, an understanding of sorts. I respect you, you see things others don't." Kori accepted the compliment better than I thought she would. Her attitude changed instantly.

I realized I had said something I had always thought she knew. But somehow I had never said it. She is fourteen I thought, she still has so many insecurities. She is so smart but still so young.

"So can we keep this between you and me?" I asked.

"It will be our secret!" Kori was on cloud nine.

"Well for a while at least, soon the whole world will know!" I made an invisible pregnant belly on myself. Kori laughed out loud.

"That and big boobs for you!" I was shocked, this was the first time Kori admitted Kim was my lover in a good way.

We pulled in the driveway in a good mood. I opened the garage door, it started up then I saw the back of the rental car, a white sedan. I pushed the button on the door a second time the door started down. I parked in the drive.

"Why are you parking out here?" Kori asked. Kim was running out to stop me.

"I just remembered your mom was out buying antiques yesterday. The garage is probably full." Kori went around to the side door.

"Let's see if she brought home anything good." Kori stared me down. She saw the car I thought.

"Kori I need you in the house!" Kim said as she walked closer. Kori tried the side door it was locked. She looked at me I knew just like her mother there would be no denying her.

I pushed the button the overhead door started to rise. Kim looked at me motioning for me to stop. Kori saw the car. She went inside and walked around slipping her hand over the sleek sheet metal. Kori looked at the front end and then looked up at me. Tears started to form in her eyes. She started back the other side looking at Kim now.

"You were there the whole time?" She looked at me, then back at the car, then finally to Kim. "He ... you let him... but your pregnant with HIS baby, and still he chose me?" Kim now looked at me, she looked frightened knowing I told her.

"Why me?" Kori looked at me no longer able to hold back her tears.

"I told you, I love you." Kori ran and hugged me crying. She squeezed hard. I wrapped my arms around her holding her firmly. Her body shook as her tears spilled out, I had never seen her this emotional.

"I love you Adam, I have tried so hard not to, but I do!" Kori wailed.

"I know baby, I know." She regained her composure, releasing me she went to Kim.

They held close, I could see Justin and Wade walking in our direction, concerned something was wrong.

"You did it!" Kori yelled. "You started the fire! That's when you burned your hand! You could go to jail for that!" Kori started to cry again.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I winked at her when she looked up to challenge my denial.

"Every day?" She was still trying to figure it out.

"Every night, well and yesterday at the bike show." Kim explained. Kori's feet paced as she tried to remember every detail.

"You stayed with her?" She asked.

"Mildred watched you during the day. I rented a room so I could keep an eye on things at night." I confessed.

"But the car was there this morning!" She looked confused again.

"Max and I brought the truck up after lunch, I was to take the rental back today but they were closed when I arrived. I tried to stop Adam from opening the door but I was too late." Kim explained.

"So you and Max were helping?" Kori was struggling with it all.

"Well then there was Justin!" I confessed.

"Justin you were there?" Kori turned to him.

"Last year." He smiled.

"You were there last year too?" Kori glared at me.

"I was, both nights, Justin came the second night." She ran to Justin and hugged him.

"Why? I don't understand." Kori looked at me, she was desperate for answers.

"Kori that is what being a parent is about." Wade interjected. "Someday you will understand but for now you just need to know we are all here for you, and Max. Justin and I know your parents would do anything to make sure Ling and Song, are safe. Now what about that fire?"

We rounded the kids up and took them for dinner. That night I sent Kim to spend time with Kori for the night. I closed the door and went to my bedroom. I could hear them squealing and laughing faintly through the wall. Then there was a knock on my door. I opened it.

"Here take your wife!" Kori handed Kim to me. Kim was still laughing. "She needs you tonight, she keeps telling me how horny she is!"

"Kim!" I said exasperated.

"Well I am, it has been four days!" She gave me that look you just could not get mad at.

"She is all yours." Kori said as she turned. "But tomorrow night I get dibs!"

The pregnancy was progressing on schedule, the doctor was confident that with all the tests they ran the baby would be fine. Dad eventually found out the baby was mine, he refused to talk to me the entire time. Mom was so happy she gave me a Karen kiss on several occasions. We had not done that for some time. It was nice for both of us to know those feelings still existed.

Isabelle was born on a Friday night. Max and I were in the waiting room with Dad, he threatened to boycott, but mom for once won a battle. Mom and Kori were with Kim in the delivery room. I don't think Kori was expecting what she experienced to affect her as much as it did. I had a feeling Kori was a bit jealous of Kim having another girl. But the glow on her face when she held Izzy was priceless.

Mom and I went to pick up Kim and the baby Monday, when we got back Justin, Helen and Kori greeted us. They had moved Kori's bedroom into Kim's room. The nursery was moved next to the master suite where my room was. Kim and my room were consolidated into the master suite. Max was there to help but Kori said all he did was play with Ling and Song.

Kim and I soon learned that Kori would sleep with both bathroom doors open so she could hear Izzy cry. She would then come get Kim so she could feed her. Eventually we had to stop that on school nights as she was starting to fall asleep at school.

Dad softened his objections to our child once he had held her several times. He despised how she was brought into the world but could not help but love her just the same. He no longer talks to me unless it is necessary. For some reason Kim is no longer to be scorned, they have been closer now than anytime since she was teenager. I think the reason for that is because he feels she has turned her life around.

Kori turned fifteen, she was becoming a young woman, boys were attracting more of her attention as well as her friends. She has been a different girl since last year, happy and carefree as I have ever seen. Her relationship with Kim has been awesome, Max is now a close friend not just a pain in the ass. Izzy is just the best thing to happen to Kori since she came to live with me. That said I was surprised when she said she wanted to visit Vince again this year. She and Kim had a serious discussion about it.

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