Aaron Ch. 11-16

"Breathe Aaron, I know you would never kill without reason, Kate would never love a killer, what do you mean Sophie wasn't the last?"

"The ring didn't want Sophie so they gave her as a toy to the mutts running things here, but Jill had already given over another girl, she was small, blonde, cute little freckles..."

"Noooooo, no, please no." Emily put her head on the table as she began to cry.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry but she died before we got there, before we could get her out, that bitch was laughing and the dogs were howling with their bloodlust so we went in on full attack. We killed them all."

"Did they suffer?"

"No." Aaron barely spoke the word.

"I wish they had. I wish they had." Seeing her pain Aaron picked her up and hugged her like he would one of his nieces or Thea. "Does that make me like them?"

"No way. You're nothing like them."

Kate walked back through the door, she had been loading the car, "What's wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing. We just had a moment, showing some love for a great sandwich, you know just another night."

"You keeping secrets from me baby?"

"Broke the news and seems the only problem is I didn't make the bitch suffer enough."

"Did you tell her Jill had set the trap for her?"

"Nah, think we can skip that highlight of the day from hell, don't you?"

"Yeah, though I think she'll work it out, Em is super smart."

"Yippee two smart women to make me feel stupid all the time."

"Stop doing the silent mind talking thing you two, it's rude."

"You told her we could link?"

"I didn't get to that yet."

"Do you guys never watch werewolf movies or pick up a book? Jeez."

"Oh Shit we have another Luna on our hands, thinks she knows all about wolves from trashy movies and romance novels." Kate rolled her eyes.

"Well over the few hours we will be driving home we can set her straight. Right after we pick up her stuff. You do want to go get your stuff right?"

"Yes. Yes. Oh thank you so much. I want to check on Bailey too."

"Who is Bailey, is she in that place? Do we need to take her somewhere safer?"

"Bailey is a boy. A boy who Em thinks of as a brother, unfortunately she broke his heart tonight because he doesn't think of her as a sister."

"Maybe I shouldn't go?"

"He will hurt more if you don't, besides these things happen and when he finds real love he will see this is best and you will be great friends still."

"Is that what you told all the guys that fell in love with you?" Aaron's voice held a little growl as his jealousy spiked.

"Nobody has ever been in love with me. Come on let's get going."

"Okay, I'm just going to ask, what happened to the wall?" Emily looked at the large hole. Kate shrugged and looked at Aaron.

"You were in danger, I lost control for a moment, I've already settled up." Kate jumped into Aaron's arms and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"Awww baby you care."

"Yeah, whatever."

"You guys are so cute. Stupid but cute." Emily laughed as they left the shabby motel room.

"Thorn. The meeting was definitely impacted by you taking out those bastards. The lot here seemed panicked when they never arrived. There is a foreign pack involved but our contacts are going to deal with that side of it. The human authorities are doing a usual clean up. Everyone on the team is safe and accounted for. Couple of minor injuries. Will be healed by morning."

"Aaron, what does Kate have to say?"

"She said to tell you, her, a young wolf called Emily and I will be there before dawn but will be exhausted. Can you arrange accommodation for Emily?"

"Luna already has. It will just be temporary. We think we will find an older omega to help her. It seems to fit best with her needs. Unless things have changed or change when you arrive."

"She seems a little shy and quiet but she is already really bonded to Katie. I'm not getting an omega vibe but fuck she didn't even know she was wolf."

"Kate say anything more about who was going to be..."

"No but after the vision she had yesterday she's changed. It is almost like she has accepted it. I don't think she is afraid now."

"Okay I think that makes me feel better too. We've had some shit go down today and I really hoped it wasn't going to get worse."

"Luna's okay right?"

"Yeah. Did you get the heads up on Rose mating?"

"Yeah saw her own thoughts on it then her walls came up. Lucas however let the family know she had since actually mated. Luckily he was busy punishing Gem so he couldn't tease the crap out of her or give us too many details."

"Looks like my Luna has got all my, of age, single siblings mated, I think I'll keep her away from Thea till she's at least thirty. I can see Gem and Lucas though. She appears to have earned forgiveness. Seems to be getting too damn easy for her these days."

"I'm just glad that place is soundproof. The apartment in town was an education I did not need." Aaron paused, "Good luck with the whole thirty thing. Mum said Thea is already thinking Luna can help her pick out future prospects at the wedding."

"Please tell me you are bloody joking."

"Afraid not bro."

"We're on the same page though right? No boys or dating or even talking about mates till at least thirty?"

"I'm thinking forty. She's too young to be really interested yet but I think she will be a handful when she finishes school."

"Okay so I have a couple of years to think about what to do."

"Catholic boarding school across the world?"

"Yeah like that would work. She's sneakier than all of us were, and she can talk even a nun into getting her own way." Aaron could hear the smile in his big brother's voice. "Oh shit, she's like Luna."

"You love Luna."

"All men want Luna. I was just lucky she only wanted me. Men will want Thea Aaron. Thea may not wait for a mate."

"Like fuck she won't. She isn't a..."

"I didn't say she was, but how many women save themselves..."

"Who gives a shit about other women? Thea will. We will all make sure of it."

"Damn straight. You two, I mean three, travel carefully."

"Okay so you sort of understand the changing, the mating, and also the longevity and health aspects. You definitely don't need to know about the S.E.X stuff but other than that any questions?"

"Within the next twenty-four hours I think I can get by with what is already swimming around in my brain. By the way Aaron I did sex ed at school I think I know the S.E.X. stuff well enough."

"Okay so maybe when we have a few minutes alone I will brush you up on a few key points due to your werewolf side. Little Aaron here isn't old enough for that conversation yet." Kate rolled her eyes when Aaron stuck his tongue out at her.

"I skipped the P.G. level and went straight to the A.O. edition so yeah you two girls knock yourselves out when I am miles away. Squirt I swear I will kill any guy that comes near you before you turn twenty-one. That is the only sex ed you need right now. In the wolf world age of consent is twenty-one, you got me?"

"Wow, in some countries I'd be considered an old maid. I don't know Aaron I was thinking of finding some hot fella the minute we rocked into town." Aaron's growl shook the interior of the car. "Okay so no joking about underage sex or coming home knocked up, got it. By the way, no desire to even think about anyone getting at my luscious self until I am at least twenty-one. I've seen what lust does to people."

"What about love?" Kate asked.

"I haven't seen any evidence of that in the human world and quite frankly if it wasn't for the whole mate for life thing you guys have going on I would bet money on it not being prominent in the dubdubdub either."


"Were. Wolf. World. For a genius you're a bit slow tonight."

"That may be the hot guy in the back refusing to sleep, the hours of driving, the brat in the front, or the fact I've had a pretty big day."

"Hot guy in the back has been offering to drive for over an hour now." Aaron grumbled.

"The brat in the front also offered to drive, but she has no licence, and you need to heal, so both of you shut up and go to sleep."

"Road-trip rule number thirteen, passengers need to rotate sleeping so they can check the driver is awake and alert at all times." Aaron muttered, "Emily you take this shift I'll close my eyes then take over from grumpy butt there when I wake up."

"Finally. As soon as he's asleep can I ask about the hot bathroom sex?" At Aaron and Kate both shooting her the evils and growling loudly Em cracked up, "Too easy, you guys are just too damn easy."

Exactly eighty-seven minutes later Aaron ordered Kate into a rest stop at a twenty-four hour service station. "Come on after I refuel the car, we're all grabbing snacks, and taking toilet stops, then I'm driving us home."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Baby, when are you going to start to trust me? I wouldn't put you or Emily in danger by driving if I wasn't up to it."

"I'm not worried about our safety I know you wouldn't do anything dangerous, but you would push yourself too hard."

"Wow, at least you know I wouldn't be a stubborn pig-head."

"I didn't say that." Kate grinned and then ducked as he went to grab her. "Sorry gotta use the bathroom."

"Emily you get moving and when you get back you're in the backseat. You need to sleep. You had your first change today and have seen and learned far too much for your first day as a wolf. You must be exhausted." Aaron spoke to Emily as he placed the nozzle into the fuel tank.

"Yeah I crashed at the motel for a bit but to be honest had a few weird dreams. I'm not sure if I'm scared to close my eyes or running on adrenalin right now."


"Not really, just weird stuff. Maybe I'm just trying to work through it all."

"We've got your back Em, and I know we had it easy being raised wolf but there are others that have changed later that will be happy to help you."

"Yeah Katie mentioned that. Some of them didn't know either right?"

"Sure, it isn't common but we have a few of those, others changed later because they were humans who wanted to join us."

"Mates. Like your new alpha will be changing."

"Yeah Luna is awesome. My brother is really going to have to keep an eye on her she is a born alpha. So bloody nice too."

"Your new alpha is named Luna?" Emily cracked up laughing again, at Aaron's blank face she explained, "Sorry some of the stories I read the packs are ruled by an Alpha, the male, and a Luna, the female. Luna is your Luna. That is hilarious."

"Yeah that is pretty funny. I actually remember seeing that in some of the things I've read now but it went right out of my head. We should tell her when we introduce you, she'll get a real kick out of it."

"When we finally get home, what's the plan? We'll take Emily to get her settled before we meet up with the others I guess?"

"You don't want me to meet them?"

"Luna was attacked yesterday so everyone is a bit stressed out. You can meet her and everyone else when you've rested and things have calmed down a little."

"Why didn't either of you say anything? Is she okay?"

"Sorry, we didn't want to freak you out, the attack didn't happen within our pack territory so you don't need to worry. The mutts that attacked her were part of the group from your old town. Well to be more accurate they were the bosses of those dogs. Luna is a great gift to our pack and they either wanted her to go with them. As there was no way to make that happen they would have been prepared to do anything to convince her or destroy her. Thorn and some of the pack rescued her and she had surgery yesterday. She was recovered enough last night to finally begin the change. She will sleep now for a few days and when she wakes will be eager to meet you." Kate explained.

"No freaking. You explained it pretty well, even a sixteen year old can wrap her head around that." Emily let her sarcasm show she wasn't letting them off for keeping her in the dark. "Not like I would have liked to know so I could tell you I'm sorry your friend was hurt and give you a hug or anything. Not like I would have paid more attention to everything going on with both of you to make sure you were both holding up okay. Just let the kid tag along oblivious to everything."

"Shit Emily. I'm sorry okay? I'm not really used to all this myself. I've never had much to do with any of the teenagers in the pack, well on a deep level. I sure as hell never had anything to do with human teenagers. I'm trying to remember what I was like then, and apparently according to Aaron my memory sucks, because I don't even remember what I looked like or what I did back then, let alone how I felt about stuff."

"Stop. You are not turning this into a 'my boyfriend is so annoying' thing. This is about you and me. We're sisters now. I will respect the whole P.G. thing to a degree but other than that you owe me the truth."

"You're right. From now on apart from the really dirty disgusting stuff we, Kate and I, will always be honest with you." Aaron put an end to the discussion. "FYI Kate your boyfriend is not annoying, he is amazing, and loves you, and thinks you were gorgeous at sixteen, beautiful at seventeen, sexy at eighteen, sinful at nineteen, irresistible at twenty, and right now...you are mind blowing and you are mine."

"Yeah whatever." Kate spoke the words but instead of the attitude that usually cane with them she leaned over the centre console and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Find somewhere to park so we can get inside. I have a feeling this breakfast meeting is going to be full steam ahead and start and end earlier than expected."


"Gut instinct. There is a load of shite going on right now. Everyone is running on adrenalin and you know a stressed or angry wolf is a hungry wolf."

"Yeah and so is a happy wolf, a sad wolf, a frustrated wolf, a..."

"Okay so you guys, I mean us guys, we're always hungry? How do you, we, not all get fat?"

"Very high metabolism."



"Okay so if anyone tries to stare you down you just meet their eyes unless you feel your wolf begging you to look down okay? Like we discussed earlier you need to find your place in the pack. The only two you should make sure you don't challenge are Thorn and Luna. You don't have to accept them as your alphas yet but you need to accept they rule things here and if you stare either of them out they will see it as a threat. Good?"

"Yeah I get it. But as I plan to close my eyes for about twelve hours I don't think it will be an issue today."

"Great plan. Wish I could sleep the day away."

"Bullshit. You are so amped about seeing your friends and meeting Lexi's mates. Not to mention checking on Luna."

"Too smart for your own good." Kate held Emily's hand as they walked into the large house. "They've given you a room near Aaron and me. We can hang out for a little while till you're comfortable."

"Kate, seriously I'm not a five year old being escorted into school on my first day. I'll be fine. I will however steal your ipod though."

"No problem. I will get you one of your own tomorrow."

"Kate I don't need you to buy me an ipod. I got along without one all this time I can get by without one until I can earn enough to buy my own."

"Okay. I don't want to argue with you. Here." Kate took the ipod from her handbag and passed it over.

"Thanks Katie, I know you want to give me stuff and look after me, but I swear I'm all good. I'm going to crash out listening to all these cool sounds."

"Sleep well Em. I'll be around if you wake up just ask any of the pack ad they'll find me okay?"

"Well, if I run into a hot teenage wolf before I get a chance to find you, I cannot be held accountable for any delays that may occur."

"Squirt, Aaron will kick your ass. Then he will behead said teenage boy. So how about you spare the life of your future crush by asking him to get me and then I'll supervise as many P.G. dates as you want?"

"Seems a fair trade. Get going. You have a big meeting to get to."

"Aaron was catching up with his twin brother Alex so I'll go see them and we will head to the kitchen together."


"Aaron I'm just leaving Emily now, I'll come meet up with you and Alex. I miss him. We can go into the meeting together."

"Yeah, Alex had to run off so you'll have to catch up with him later. I'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs."

"But he was just..."

"I was talking to him but he had to go and make a call."

"Are you okay Aaron? You've closed your walls again."

"Sorry I'm a bit overloaded at the moment and didn't realise I had closed off."

"Aaron, I love you, if you're struggling tell me."

"I'm fine Katie. I love you, okay. I'll meet you at the stairs."


"You talking to Kate?" Alex asked Aaron. "Everything okay?"

"Things are good Alex. We had a few bumps but we're good."

"I can't wait to spend some time with her. I've missed that girl."

"Well I'm sure we can fit some time together in but keep in mind we're newly mated Alex, I have a few things I'd rather be doing."

"Yeah the less I hear about that the better brother. She on her way here?"

"Nope, I'm going to go meet up with her. Can you check in with the team and see how Emily's friend Sophie is? I know she'll want to know when she wakes up."

"No problem. I'll let you know later. I want to check on a couple of things too."

"Awesome, see you at breakfast. I'll be the one with the hot redhead."

"I'll be the single bloke surrounded by nauseating couples."

"Suck it up, or go find your mate."

Aaron met Kate at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey baby, she all settled?"

"She's good. I left my ipod with her, I offered to buy her one of her own but she is really stubborn about being bought anything."

"No problem I have one I don't use, I upgraded to a larger memory."

"That would be great Aaron. Thanks."

"Kate, are you still mad at me?"

"Of course not. I wasn't mad anyway. I was jealous. I was hurt. I thought you had to visualise other women while we..." Aaron cut her off by pulling her into a deep kiss.

"You were jealous, hurt and angry Kate." Aaron continued to kiss her and ran his hands over her back, up into her hair which he pulled slightly arching her neck back and he licked her mate mark, "You were also wrong. I love you, I want you, I need you, and baby I lust for you so bad."

"Apparently so. I am very happy to be wrong. I love you too."

Aaron and Kate walked into the kitchen holding hands.

Alex came in behind them with Natalie and Damon. "Is this everyone you need here Thorn?"

"John should be here soon but we'll get our pack stuff sorted first."

"Aaron, how did it all go last night?"

"I thought you would get a full report from the team you sent in, or I would have called in."

"I got a full report. It was factual. It spoke of civilians, cops, injuries, bodies, arrests, wolves, and yet I feel like I know nothing. So tell it to me not like a fucking report but like a fucking real man, who was there, saw it, felt it, and breathed it."

"Brother it was a total shitfest. Kate was bloody amazing of course and saved many of the women before the bastards had a chance to do anything. She couldn't stop them seeing what happened though, so all the humans were treated by the team medic and their memories cleared. While they sorted the humans, us guys, we dealt with the trash, and Kate looked after the young wolf, Emily. We weren't quite as lucky at the other two encounters."

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