An Unlikely Encounter Ch. 03

Whether my head was cleaned out though? Well, let's not get carried away. My thoughts still drifted to her often. I found myself imagining, more and more, what it would be like once she actually graduated. It still wouldn't be proper if we were in an actual relationship. Publicly I mean. At least not right away. And then I'd shake my head incredulously. This is absurd.

It didn't make me look forward to her return the following week any less. She texted me, letting me know she had arrived at the airport and would be online in a couple hours. Of course I was there waiting for her. I felt an inward disappointment that she hardly gushed at all about how much she missed me. She was really excited about all the colleges she visited, and was shooting off information like a machine gun, getting my opinion, bouncing her own off me. By the time we went to bed, I had to admit a little sadness at the thought of her going out-of-state.

And to think, it wasn't that long ago when I couldn't think of a better solution to get rid of her than just that.


Prom was coming up fast. It was something that I had simply tuned out up to now, just another school function. I have traditionally been signed up to chaperone at the dance. It's the unwritten rule that the younger teachers "get" that job. I've never minded in the past. Faculty were even allowed dates if we wanted, so I typically had Heather as consistent conversation. I remember always surreptitiously pointing out students to her, telling her funny stories about them that happened throughout the year.

Not this time.

Me: So who's your date?

TeacherPet: who says I have one?

Me: well you're just too pretty not to

TeacherPet: aww

TeacherPet: well you never asked me

Me: that's accurate

TeacherPet: but you will be there

TeacherPet: right?

Me: don't get any ideas

TeacherPet: who me??

TeacherPet: :P

Me: Well?

TeacherPet: why? are you jealous?

Me: Ah so you admit it

Me: you have one

TeacherPet: kinda

Me: lucky guy

TeacherPet: its not like that

Me: not like what?

TeacherPet: he's just a friend

TeacherPet: a big group of us are going together

TeacherPet: most of us are just old friends

TeacherPet: we're kinda rebelling against the serious date stuff

TeacherPet: just have fun. you know?

Me: Sure. Makes sense to me

TeacherPet: so you're not jealous?

Me: I'm just fine

TeacherPet: aww

TeacherPet: not even a little bit?

Honestly? I was a lot jealous.


Nothing worth mentioning occurred throughout the week. Autumn was pretty busy catching up with schoolwork, and gearing up for the big dance. It was that Saturday, and the day before, she casually asked if I was going to wear a tux. I joked that I always chaperone in shorts and a tank-top, just to class the place up. She answered that I should wear a blue boutonniere anyway.

Saturday morning, I admittedly made a last minute trip to the florist. I knew I shouldn't indulge her but... Ah hell. Saturday evening, I started out the big event behind the coat-check counter. Autumn arrived a half hour into it all, wearing a sleek blue dress. It went down to her knees, but had a slit going up one leg, and very little back. I casually took her date's coat, and started writing up his ticket.

"Nice flower," Autumn said to me innocently.

The one I wore matched her pretty well. I grinned at her and winked at her date. "I guess we shop at the same stores."

Eventually I swapped roles with another teacher and was now helping manage the line for photographs. I noticed that as soon as I moved into this position, Autumn dragged her date into the queue. She constantly made eye contact with me, and I could tell she was trying to position herself always for me to admire.

I tried my best to stay cool to her. It wasn't too bad. I'm a gregarious sort; I can joke with all of the students in the line. Just self-deprecate and they'll laugh. I gave her no special attention. I'm not sure what she thought would happen, but I was determined to squelch it. I don't play games with stakes that high. You know... historically, at least.

When she was next in line, she reached my position. I thought about trying to slink away before she got there, but I guess my subconscious won out.

"So where's your hot date?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm flying solo tonight. Can't be distracted, otherwise all you hooligan kids will be able to run wild."

She giggled. "Does that mean you don't get your picture with anyone?"

"Oh, I still have my prom pictures. They're in a shoebox somewhere, to remind me that I was once young like all of you."

"Psh," she waved her hand. "You're not that old."

"What are you talking about? I graduated last century!"

Some scattered laughs.

"Whatever. And here I was gonna offer to take a picture with you!"

Her date didn't seem awfully amused, but not particularly offended either. "Sorry," I put up my hands. "That costs extra. These photographers don't come cheap."

She dug in her purse and produced her cell, handing it to her suitor. She made a loud laugh, "Here, take a picture before anyone notices!"

He awkwardly took it and stared at her. She jumped out of the line and stood next to me, putting her hands up on my arm and raising one leg, exaggerating the pose of a model. "Take the picture!" she prodded.

He complied. I so taken aback by the suddenness that I wasn't quite sure how to react. I gave a goofy smile back, trying not to take it seriously.

"One more!" she giggled, and this time stuck her tongue out.

He clicked the picture again and lowered the phone, reaching it out to hand it to her. She reluctantly pulled away from me and got back in line. She smiled at the pictures on her phone. "Wanna see?" she asked.

"I'm all right," I politely declined.

She frowned a little. "Oh okay. Maybe I'll send them to you later or something."

I felt a little knot in my throat. Don't fucking say things like that. I outwardly smiled, but I'm pretty sure she noticed the tightness in my lips. She didn't pay me any more attention while in line. Although I did catch her gazing at me while she got her professional shots taken.

She came up to me a few more times throughout the evening. Each time trying to flirt with me a little. At least at this point she came alone. She asked me to dance a few times. Asked if I wanted to share a drink with her when I was milling around the refreshment table. Each time I declined, and finally scolded her with an outward smile, "It was cute the first time, but you're drawing too much attention to us. Cut it out."

After that, I could tell she was annoyed, and I saw her dancing extra sensually with her boy whenever she caught me watching. Flashbacks to the bar. Flashbacks to fucking.

As the dance wined down, giddy couples and groups trailed out of the building. Soon there were just a few scattered pockets of people, and we were getting ready to walk around and kick them out for closing time. It was almost 1:00am. I was keenly aware (how could I not be?) that Autumn was now sitting at a table. By herself.

I had hoped that she was just stalling a little bit. That her group of friends were outside, and she was just shooting in the dark, hanging back to see if I'd talk to her. I resisted, hoping she would just leave. Secretly hoping she would just leave and go straight home... sans date. But as time went on, it became increasingly obvious that she was truly alone.

I finally relented, going over to her after informing a few other couples that it was time to leave. "It all closes down at 1:00, you know," I stood behind her.

She turned to face me. "They all left."


"The group I came with. They all rented a bunch of hotel rooms and took off."

"But you're still here."

"Yep," she sighed.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"I guess they decided tonight was about getting laid after all."

"Oh." How do you respond to that?

"Cooper I think actually took another girl. Once he found out I wasn't interested."

"Cooper. Being your date, I assume."

"Uh huh. And now he thinks I'm a total cock tease."

I chuckled.

"I'm glad you think it's funny," she said dully.

"Sorry... It's just, I know that's not quite the case." I pulled up a chair across from her and sat down. She wasn't smiling. "I'm sorry," my smile died. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, this just sucks. It was just supposed to be fun," she locked eyes with me. "I pissed him off. I probably pissed you off. My friends all think I'm weird."

"You are weird," I encouraged her. "That's why I like you."

A glimmer of happiness in her face.

"Wanna know what I wish?"

"What's that?"

"I wish I could have spent the night with you instead."

I sighed. Is this a guilt trip? "Autumn, you know that couldn't happen." I looked around. "And you also have to get out of here... How are you getting home?"

She looked at me blankly. And then it dawned on me. How could I not see this coming? "Oh... no." I scooted the chair back and got up.

"I don't have anyone else!"

"Your parents. Call them. We're not doing this again," I said in a low voice.

"I can't do that!"

"Why the hell not?"

"They think I'm going to spend the night with Carrie and a bunch of other girls! If they pick me up, they'll know something is wrong!"

"Nothing is wrong... you're just going home instead."

"That's so lame! And embarrassing!"

"Nobody is going to know."


"Sorry Autumn. I can't help you tonight." I looked at my watch. "You better call soon. You're going to have to clear out in a few minutes."

I briskly walked away, and just then noticed my pulse was racing. I can't believe her. Actually, fuck that. I can't believe *me*. I should have seen this a mile away. I busied myself, helping tear down the setup and cleaning up. I silently pleaded that she not stick around, that she not make a scene. Thankfully, thankfully it looked like she was gone.

I lost track of time. It was probably close to 2:00 when I was done and heading outside. I walked out to my car, almost alone in the parking lot. As soon as I rounded behind it to the driver's side, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Autumn was sitting on the parking curb in the next stall, knees pulled up, arms clutching around her body.

She looked at me wordlessly. My body sank. "You didn't call, did you."

Her head shook slowly.

"Goddamnit Autumn," I cursed under my breath. She knew what she was doing. Like I was going to leave her there. Even if I wasn't having an affair with her. Even if I didn't have feelings for her... I would still feel obligated to help.

I unlocked my car, looking around to make sure nobody would see. "Get in."


I had given her my coat to use as a blanket. It was as much to warm her up as it was to just cover her up. I wanted as little temptation as possible. "You realize I'm taking you home, right?"

"I guess," she moped.

"Don't play that game with me. You know better than to have pulled this stunt."


I looked over at her. "I'm not an idiot, Autumn. Do you really think I wouldn't realize you planned this?"

"I did not!" It was the classic teenage knee-jerk denial that any adult can spot a mile away.

"Bullshit," I almost laughed. "Give me some credit. After everything we've been through? This fits your M.O. pretty well."

She sulked. "Whatever."

I drove the point home. "No, not whatever. I'm right, admit it."

"Fine," she huffed. "What if I did? I thought you'd appreciate it. Do you know how much bullshit I had to put up with for ditching my friends? Just so I could be with you?"

"Why can't you just wait? All I'm asking you to do is wait, for Christ's sake!"

"What? So you want me to go to some hotel with a guy I don't even really like and just... just fuck him instead?"

"Come on, that's not what I said and you know it."

"Whatever," she repeated under her breath.

We drove in silence for a few minutes, and I realized with sinking apprehension that I wasn't quite sure how to find her house in her neighborhood. It was late. Dark. I was tired. Fuck.


"You're lost," she replied flatly.

I clenched my eyes for a moment. "Where's your house?"

"Like twenty minutes from here."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Why didn't you like, ask for directions sooner?"

"Okay, which way?"

"I dunno."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" I muttered.

"I have no idea where we are. You'd have to backtrack."

I pulled over and started to turn around.

"And even then..." she trailed off.

"What?" I prodded her.

"I don't see why I should tell you."

I gripped the steering wheel tighter. "Do you wanna be driving around all night?"

"We won't."

I recognized the tone of voice. She had thought something through and was determined now. And as my thoughts raced through the predicament, I already knew she had me beat.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because you have no idea where to go. You don't want to drive in circles, getting pissed off, trapped in here with me."

"Just tell me where to go."

"Okay. Let's go to your place."

"Damn it, Autumn!"

"What? Nobody is expecting me home. And according to you, nobody's expecting you either."

"That's not the point."

"Okay fine. Let's go to a hotel."

"Absolutely not."


"That's even worse, and you know it!" I was getting angrier.

"Suit yourself," and she turned her head, ignoring me and staring outside the passenger-side window.

I drove around for about twenty more minutes, thinking I might be able to recognize something and find my way. But it was hopeless. I had nothing to say to her. I was getting increasingly furious that she was playing me like this, but what could I do? Just kick her out of the car?

"You know..." she broke the silence.

"Hm," I muttered.

"I'm gonna have to um... go to the bathroom soon."

"Lotsa bushes around here," I retorted.

"You wouldn't!" she came to life.

"Oh? You seemed to know me so well a little while ago."

She sighed loudly. "God! Why are we doing this? It's the middle of the night! After everything you're... you're still playing this game with me!"

I snapped back, "It's not a game, Autumn! It's life. My fucking life!"

"It's mine too! This is fucking stupid!"

"I don't know what you want from me!" I growled. "I'm still your—"

"Teacher! Yeah! I fucking get it! That doesn't change it!"

I blinked in confusion. "Change what?"

"Change... change that I..." she stammered for words.

Somehow the heat of the argument blinded me from what was coming.

"That I love you! Okay? I meant it! I- I mean it now!"

I almost ran a stop sign. Actually, I did run it, just as she finished saying it. Then my mind registered what I was doing, and I slammed on the breaks, squealing to a stop in the middle of the intersection. I glared at her, breathing hard. Her eyes were wild at the sudden commotion.

"Goddamnit it Autumn, I love you too, okay!?" I breathed all at once.

Holy fucking shit. Did I just say that? Did I even mean it? It just came out, I swear!

We stared at each other, not knowing how to react. I guess if it was the movies, one of us would have leaned over and passionately kissed the other. But we were in separate seats, stopped askew in the middle the road. I snapped my eyes back forward and pulled an awkward and highly questionable three-point-turn.

"What- what are you doing?" she managed to ask.

"Going home."


Talk about a tongue-tied drive back. Thankfully it wasn't too far. Neither of us knew how to talk to each other at all now. I didn't even know what my plan was. Just be sweet to her? Get her in my bedroom and fuck her? It didn't seem right.

Once inside, she slipped my jacket off and asked if she could use my bathroom.

"You know where it is," I forced a chuckle. Damn this is weird.

Once back out, she smiled uneasily and leaned against the wall. She had let her hair down now, which I decided made her look younger. Grown-up dress, teenage demeanor... So bizarre how her confidence roller-coasters up and down around me. She was so sure of herself, of her little plan to end up here. And now she didn't know how to react.

Maybe it's not as easy when love is on the line. I almost laughed to myself. Something about her discomfort put me at ease. And I amazingly found myself feeling playful. Self-assured.

"So are you thirsty?" I asked.

"Kinda. Could I have some water?"

I opened the cupboard. "Water? Or wine?" I pulled out a bottle and presented it aristocratically.

Her eyebrows shot up. "Seriously?"

"But of course, Mademoiselle."

"Um... okay! I can't believe it..." she murmured as I pulled out some glasses.

"What's that?"

"You... um, of all people, serving me alcohol."

"Is that a problem?" I asked indifferently.

She had closed the distance between us and was waiting at the counter now. "I'm just surprised that my favorite teacher is like, breaking the rules for me."

"Au contraire," I feigned an accent as I handed her a glass. "It's your prom. I'm pretty sure it's a rule that you're supposed to sneak a little something."

She took the drink and smiled at me. "Oh, well if you put it that way."

"I do." I raised my glass, "To following the rules."

She giggled and clinked my glass with hers, then took a tentative sip. I smiled at her before drinking mine, "You're supposed to say 'cheers' first, I think."

She blushed. "Well..." she rolled her tongue in her mouth, pausing to think. "So much for the rules."

I found her free hand resting on my chest and felt my pulse take off. "Cheers to that," I grinned, and took a drink.


It wasn't long before we were complimenting how good the other looked all dressed up. We were still standing by the kitchen, and Autumn's head rested on my chest as she drank. I put an arm around her shoulders and mused, "You know... if we just sway back and forth a little bit, I think you'll get that dance from me."

"Don't we need music?" she hummed into me.

"Is that a request?"

"I just wanna do it right..."

I tried to separate from her to go over to the living room stereo, but she endearingly hung onto me and stayed in step. Shuffling through the CDs, I found something slow and romantic. Not mine, I assure you... it was hiding between rock albums. It was Heather's, guiltily enough.

I hit play, and Autumn helped herself and clicked through the tracks until she found a song she liked. I couldn't help but notice her confidence building back up. She took me by the wrist and guided me out to the middle of the room, and we embraced to begin a slow dance.

By the next song, my hands were exploring her body. Down her back, reaching down to her ass, coming back up her hips. She held onto me closely, pushing her warm body into mine, occasionally letting out a soft hum of approval. It didn't take long after that for me to bend down to kiss her temple, then her cheek.

She tilted her head to try and meet my lips with hers, but I tipped her chin up with my hand and went for her neck. She made a pleasant 'ooh', which just encouraged me more. I continued planting soft kisses, and she stifled a tickled laugh.

"You're not gonna give me another hickey, are you?"

"Mmm..." I mouthed into her skin, then gave her a lick. "As I recall, you asked for it last time."

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