Island Castaways

"I don't expect you to do anything, but I sincerely appreciate the offer."

"No, we have talked it over and are going to do this, whether you want it or not. We can well afford it and are going to do it. Having survived with you here, we have a pretty good idea what you need and will happily ship it to you," Sam said.

"You are a good man, Jerry, and we love you. It is something that we want to do. Tom has given the GPS coordinates of the island, so our shipper will be able to find you," Joann added.

I was touched, but didn't really believe that I would ever see the shipment.

Later that night, Connie, Sophie, Terry, and Becky all came to me together and made love to me. There was pussy everywhere. I licked, sucked, and fucked more pussy that night than I ever thought that I could. They got me off four times that night, and I felt as though I had entered paradise. I was going to miss them. With all my heart, I was going to miss them.

The next day, they decided to pick the following morning as departure time. Tom decided to leave the dinghy for me, along with some fishing gear, a spear gun, and a hatchet. He also took from his pocket a very nice folding pocketknife, all useful and much appreciated gifts. I thanked him for them and put them away.

While we were eating dinner, Becky rose to speak to the group. "As much as I would like to leave with all of you tomorrow and go home, I have decided to stay here on the island with Jerry, if he will have me. I have fallen in love with him and want to stay."

I couldn't believe my ears. She wanted to stay. "If you are sure that is what you want to do, I would be very happy for your company. Yes, I would like you to stay." With that, I went to her and took her in my arms and hugged her. Everyone cheered and hugged us. Later we retired, and Becky slept beside me.

The next morning, they prepared to leave. There were a lot of tears and hugs. When they were all aboard, and Becky and I were standing on the beach, they hoisted sail and sailed off. It was a very emotional departure. Becky and I held each other and cried.

We were somewhat sad for the next few days, but soon recovered and settled into a daily routine of food gathering, cooking, and maintaining our level of existence. I found that the spear gun worked well for killing the pigs and lizards, as well as fishing. Both Becky and I had trimmed down. Her figure was more attractive than I imagined it could be. She was devoted to me, and I had fallen in love with her, also. We had a very good coexistence. Our lovemaking was passionate and frequent. We made love everywhere on the island, and the mood seemed to strike us all the time. We were content, healthy, and in love.

It was probably six months after the boat had sailed that we heard a plane. It circled the island several times as we lit the signal fire. On its last pass along the beach, it dropped several wooden boxes just off shore. We rowed out in the dinghy to retrieve them. The wooden boxes all floated, and I tied them in line, and we towed them back to shore. We dragged them up on the beach. There were five wooden containers that were about eight feet long and two-foot square. This must be the care package that Sam and Joann had promised.

We opened the first crate and found that it contained tools. They had sent really good, useful tools. There were shovels, hoes, an axe, and a hatchet. Two hand saws, two hammers, and nails. It also contained two new machetes and two sharpening stones. Wow, this was great.

We opened the next container and found cooking utensils, pots, pans, knives, a large cast iron griddle, and barbeque tools.

The third contained held foodstuffs. There was salt, pepper, and other spices, all kinds of dried fruit, and flour. It also contained some chocolates and candy. There was also a case of wine.

The last container held medical supplies and toilet articles. These included Tylenol, disinfectant, bandages, sutures, bandages, and a surgical kit. It also contained toothpaste, soap, towels, and other toilet items that we could use. They had sent two additional spear guns and, of all things, a Winchester rifle with a thousand rounds of ammunition and gun cleaning kit. This container also contained several containers of seeds, and these included all kinds of vegetables. There was also a plastic package that contained a letter from Sam and Joann.

We carried our gifts to what was the girls' old hut and stored it all inside.

We fixed some dinner and sat down to read the letter.

Dear Jerry and Becky,

Hope this shipment finds you well and happy. We think of you two often and are forever grateful for what you did to help us survive the island. In many ways, we miss being there.

We will send you another shipment in about six to eight months. We want you guys to be well and happy, and this is what we want to do to help you. Please accept it with our heartfelt love and gratitude.

Now, for how we have fared. We sailed southeast from the island, and in about two weeks we reached Micronesia. Cora and Tom stayed there with their sailboat and had decided to sail on to Australia. The rest of us arranged flights to get home. Most of us flew into LAX. To our surprise, the press met us, and we were a news sensation. Our fifteen minutes of fame. The story was all over the country. We were all presumed dead, and everyone had given up hope that we would ever be found alive.

What some of us found when we got home was interesting. The most interesting was for Brad. His business partner had wiped him out financially and left the country with millions, leaving Brad virtually penniless. Unable to emotionally stand the loss, he committed suicide. Elaine has moved on with her life, making the rounds of the talk shows and signing a book deal. Looks as though she will be ok.

Amy has also been making the rounds of the talk shows and is also doing well. We understand that she took Brad's death pretty hard.

You won't believe it, but Sophie was pregnant when she left the island. She has a beautiful little boy she named Jerry and is the proudest mother you have ever seen. We keep in close touch with her, and mother and baby are doing great.

Although we haven't talked to her, we understand that Connie divorced her husband when she got home. He was already living with another woman, and she decided that she just didn't need him anymore. Good for her. She is also back to flying again, and from what we have heard is doing well.

Terry was also pregnant when she left the island. She delivered before Sophie and has a beautiful little dark-haired girl. She named her Geraldine. She met a really great guy and is very happy with him. We keep in touch with her, also, and see them frequently.

Monica and Tony got married, but from what we hear, neither is happy. Both play around, and Tony's parents are very unhappy with the marriage. We haven't seen them since we got back home.

Sam and I are doing very well. We have decided to start our family and are working at that. We sold our computer holdings to Microsoft and are set extremely well for life. Believe it or not, we miss the island, and we miss the two of you, too. You two hold a very special place in out hearts.

The media is very curious about the two of you. Why you decided to stay and how you are doing.

We hope that what we sent you is useful. We will send more in about six months to a year.

Take care now, and enjoy your island paradise!

With Love, Sam & Joann

That was some news. We talked about the letter for a while and then went off to bed. Becky made a big joke out of me being the daddy of Sophie's and Terry's babies. She thought it was wonderful.

Everything that Sam and Joann had sent was useful and needed.

The next day, I used the tools and lumber from the crates to build two tables, benches, and a workbench. Everything that we had received from Sam and Joann was appreciated.

Later, we also cleared out a large area behind the huts and turned the soil for our garden. I diverted some of the stream and dug a ditch to irrigate it. We weren't sure what would grow, so we planted some of everything. Hopefully, six to eight weeks from now, we would have fresh vegetables to supplement our diet.

After a year on the island, life was good, and we had no regrets about staying.

Our garden began to grow and added lots of vegetables to our diet. We were now eating very well. We now had lettuce, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, string beans, peas, watermelon, and corn. Everything seemed to flourish. By planting new crops every three to four weeks, we were assured of an ongoing supply. After planting, the garden took little maintenance. The water supply to the garden from the stream was metered so that we didn't have to do much to maintain it, either.

Becky and I were nude most of the time. I loved looking at her body. She had developed an outstanding figure. I couldn't keep my eyes or hands off of her, and she loved it. We made love frequently and everywhere. She was a willing and active participant, often initiating our encounters. We were getting along extremely well.

I had studied the elevation of the pond and falls and found that there was sufficient elevation and fall so that I could pipe water to our encampment. Using bamboo as piping, I constructed a water line from the top of the falls to our campground. We now had running water. I piped one small line to the cooking area and another to a shower. Now we could bathe without hiking to the stream or the pond. It took over a month to construct the water line, but it was worth it.

About eight months later, we received another shipment from Sam and Joann, another five containers. Much of what they sent was resupply of what we had received in the first shipment. There were, though, some new items included. There were plastic buckets of various sizes, three stainless steel sinks, and concentrated liquid soap. One container was funny. It contained two foam mattresses and bedding sheets. A note attached mentioned that it would be nicer than the beds of ferns that we had been sleeping on.

There was also another letter.

Dear Becky and Jerry,

Here are more supplies for you two. We hope this finds you healthy, happy, and loved. We think of you often and do miss you guys and the island.

Terry and Sophie's babies are doing well and are growing like weeds. They are so cute, and there is a family resemblance. Terry and Sophie are so proud of them. We see them often.

Sam and I are doing well, although a little bored without having a job or actual work to do. We have started another Internet company and are jointly developing some new software that we think will be marketable. So we now have something to keep us interested, in addition to trying to make a baby.

Here is some news about the others. We have sort of lost track of some of them. What we have heard is that Monica and Tony split, no big surprise there. We don't know what became of Monica. The last we heard, she was still on the east coast working in real estate. Tony is in jail. It seems that he raped some young girl and was sentenced to ten years in a New York prison. All his parents' money and influence couldn't save him.

Sam and I have decided to come and visit you guys on the island. We have found a charter plane company that is close enough to the island that has a seaplane and can fly us in. We are planning on coming in about six months and would like to stay for at least a month, maybe more. We haven't decided how long yet. That was why we sent two mattresses. So get our room ready, and we want to book the exotic package. You know the one, moonlight swims in the pond, walks on the beach. Swimming and snorkeling, you know, the deluxe package.

See you soon.

All our love, Joann and Sam.

Becky and I were ecstatic; we were going to have visitors. We began planning for their visit immediately. We had at least six months before they we would arrive, and we were acting like it would be tomorrow.

Chapter 12

Our anticipation grew as the time of Sam and Joann's arrival drew near. One afternoon as we were just starting to prepare dinner, we heard a plane. We then saw it and got very excited. It circled once and then lined up for the approach to land. As the plane landed off shore, our excitement grew even more. Once on the water, it taxied over and ran up on the beach. It was a large twin engined aluminum seaplane. Joann and Sam exited, and we ran through the surf to greet them. Hugs and kisses ensued, and we were all happy to see one another.

The pilot exited, and we were introduced and began unloading the plane. It took over an hour to unload everything that they had brought. After we unloaded and helped the pilot push the plane off the beach and turn it around, he fired it up and took off. It felt a little strange standing on the beach with Sam and Joann watching it take off.

We all went up to the camp area and prepared dinner. The conversation was lively. It was good to see them again and to have someone to talk to.

The next morning Joann and Sam insisted on cooking breakfast. Joann told us, "You two go for a morning walk and come back in about thirty minutes and we will have breakfast for you. It's a surprise!"

Becky and I took off as directed and returned in half an hour. There spread out for us on the table was a breakfast feast like we had not had in over a year. There were pancakes with real butter and syrup, milk, toasted bread with jam, orange juice and sausage links, all things that they had brought with them. While we ate, they also told us that they had brought Pepsi, ground beef, corn tortillas, steaks, wine, and bread. After breakfast, we stored the perishables in the sealed plastic containers they had also brought, and placed them in the creek to keep them cool.

We decided to go up to the pond for a swim. At the pond, we all stripped down and enjoyed the cool fresh water and the waterfall. After our swim, we lay on the soft grass surrounding the pond and just relaxed.

Sam was the first to speak. "We really missed this place and we missed you two, also. We just had to come back for a visit. I'm glad that you didn't lose our reservations."

We all laughed at that. "We're just glad that you are here. It is so good to see you again, and yes, reservations are tight this time of year," I replied.

"There is another reason that we came," Joann continued. "It's a little delicate to talk about, so we thought we would get it out in the open immediately and get it over with. Then we can go about our vacation together. As you know, we have been trying to start a family, but with little success."

Sam broke in, "About six months ago, we both went for fertility testing, and it came up that Joann is good, ready, and able to be impregnated. I, on the other hand, am sterile. All equipment functions perfectly, but no live bullets. Which brings us to the second reason for our visit. Jerry, with both your and Becky's permission, we would like you to father a child for us."

Wow, was that a shocker. Becky and I just looked at each other in disbelief.

Joann continued, "We looked at all the options available and decided that this was the option that we wanted. We just hope that you will consider our request before you answer."

I didn't know what to say. Joann wasn't a burning desire of my fantasies, although I wouldn't mind making love to her. She was an attractive woman. I looked at Becky, and she nodded yes. I turned to Sam and Joann, "Will we use the turkey baster method or did you have something else in mind?"

Joann blushed, and Sam responded, "We thought the most direct method would offer the best chance of success. We plan to stay for two months to be sure that it takes."

"Ok, if that is what you want, we are all in agreement. Just let me know how you want to handle this. I suppose it would be best to let Joann and Becky work out the schedule, and I will just be available whenever you need my services."

We all got up and dressed and headed back down to the huts.

That night, we had barbequed steaks, baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, and the real surprise was apple pie and ice cream. They had packed some of the things they had brought in dry ice to keep them frozen. What a meal! After a late dinner, we sat around the fire talking and sipping some Jack Daniels that Sam had brought.

"You guys are spoiling us, and we appreciate it," I told them.

"It's little enough for what you did for all of us after we crashed. I can't say you saved our lives, but you made things bearable, better than bearable, for us until Cora and Tom showed up in the boat and we were able to leave. That year is the most memorable that we have and we thank you for it," Sam mused.

"Don't go getting all mushy on us, Sam, you'll be embarrassed in the morning when your hangover is gone," Becky teased him.

Becky and I had fixed up Sam and Joann's old hut for them to stay in. We had put the mattress they had sent in there for them and fixed it up a little nicer than when they had stayed in it before. Becky told me that Joann was almost at her cycle peak and would come to our hut tonight. Becky was going to stay in her old hut. "Are you sure you are ok with this?" I asked her.

"Yes, more than ok. I'm glad that they chose you. In fact, I'm rather proud of you for that. Now don't worry about anything and do your manly thing. It's ok, really," she responded. She then left and went to her old hut for the night. Shortly after dark, Joann came into the hut, removed what little clothing she had on, and lay down beside me. Without saying a word, she snuggled up.

I reached over and put my arm around her and stroked her back. With each stroke down her back, I rubbed more of her ass. She had a really great ass. Not large, just the right proportion to the rest of her body. She cooed as I did this. At first she was a little tense, but as I massaged her back and ass, she seemed to relax some. When I slid my hand over to her hipbone and started to stroke her lower abdomen she tensed up a little bit, but as I continued to stroke her tummy, she again relaxed. I gently turned her onto her back and let my hand cup her soft mound. I could feel its warmth. She spread her thighs to open up to my touch. She was only slightly moist. She whispered in my ear, "Now, Jerry, take me now."

I rolled over on top of her and positioned my hard cock at the entrance of her vagina. She pushed on my ass with her hands as she raised her hips to take me in. I slid in easily; she was not tight, but soft and tender inside. I started to move into her as she responded.

We moved to each other as the physical sensations of our sex acted on each other. It was lovemaking at its most tender level. As our rhythm increased, I soon came deep inside her. As she felt my orgasm begin, she raised her hips further and spread her legs wider to allow me full penetration. As I shot my load into her waiting vagina, she held me tight. When my orgasm subsided and I began to shrink, I started to roll off her. She held me in place and wouldn't let me go. She held me this way for about twenty minutes before she released me. I rolled over onto my back and immediately fell asleep. When I awoke in the morning, Becky was snuggled up beside me. When she woke, she just smiled up at me and said, "My hero." She then hugged and kissed me and held me tight.

I thought breakfast might be a little awkward, but that was not the case. Everyone was cheerful, talkative, and bustling with energy. Sam and I went spear fishing. He had brought a couple of new swim masks and wanted us to try them out. I grabbed a spear gun and handed one to him. He just shook his head, smiled, and reached for one of the old bamboo spears. "This is all I need. I've been dreaming of this for the last year." I let Sam spear most of the fish. He was proud of his catch of four nice-sized fish. We then rowed out to check the lobster traps. We had four nice-sized ones. We rebaited the traps and took our catch back to show the girls. We all decided to pay a visit to the crash site. We sat in the shade near the burned-out hulk of the plane and reminisced about the past. We whiled away most of the afternoon this way.

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