Katja Pt. 07

Then he laughed, "After that, it was pretty much love at first sight." He looked at her and smiled.

Katja smiled back and then Erik continued. "Then a few days later, we were Mated. Now before somebody says, three days, how can you get married in three days. You see, the Lyonness have this remarkable ability to know when they are with the person they're supposed to be mated with."

Then Erik grinned, "And please don't ask me how it all works, maybe one of the med techs could explain it, but not me."

Erik continued, "So, it was unquestionable and I thank the Goddess everyday She let me find her."

The reporter smiled, "That is quite remarkable as you say, anyone can see that you are very happy together. So, is that when you came to work on the ship and teach classes?"

Erik smiled, "No, not right then. I had come aboard because Katja was going to take me to lunch so I could try their foods and give me a tour of the ship. They were having a problem with one of their machines and I helped them fix it, as that's what I did for a living after I got out the Navy."

Then Erik added, "What you have to remember is the majority of the people on board are immigrants, not really crew, so they are young for the most part. They are very good at what they do, I'd put them up against any crew I've worked with, but they don't have a lot of experience yet. So, Commander Geoff asked me If I would teach them some classes about repair and pass along what knowledge I could. I agreed."

"Then after that, he requested that I design a class to help teach them about humans and the different things they need to know and might encounter as they moved away from the ship. Since I was Mated to Lieutenant Katja, I could teach them things they might have had to deal with since we had already dealt with them. Especially, if they become involved in a mixed species relationship."

"The Commander thought I was the best one to design and teach this class because, I'm human, though there are some of my friends who question that sometimes. Who better to explain humans and the way they do things than another human. And one who was also Mated to one of them."

Erik smiled, "So now, after I designed it, I teach the "Intraspecies Relations And Species Integration." Classes. The first two went well, but I will need to change that around a little after things settle down some."

The reporter smiled again, then said. "Since we are touching on it, why don't we talk about that now."

Erik nodded and said, "Fine, ask away."

Then the reporter asked, "Could you tell us how you get involved with what is going on now?"

Erik grinned, "That's simple, we went to the mall to go shopping."

The reporter blinked, "Uh, I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

Erik grinned again, "My Mate and I went to the mall, we had decided to get a couple of wedding bands so people would know we were mated, I won't go into the whole thing why, and while we were there, Ms. Thomas was also there doing an article on the mall. She saw us and asked the shop owner about us. He told her a small bit about us, we had been in there before, and he knew we weren't married by our laws yet because of the question about the Lyonness status as immigrants. "

"She wrote the article and she attended one of my classes, then afterwards she interviewed us and I helped convince her to help us because our people needed help to find out what was going on for their and our benefit."

The reporter looked at Erik, and asked, "How do you mean to our benefit Mr. Woodes?'

Erik looked at him, grinned, and asked, "Look around you sir, your sitting in the middle of an interstellar spacecraft, don't you think they can help advance our civilization? Just think of the things that the human race can learn and advance because of them."

The reporter looked at Erik stunned for a moment, then chuckled, "Mea culpa. Mr. Woodes. Your right of course."

"I think I have maybe one, or two questions left," The reporter continued. "So, let's get to the big one, what do you think of the government's handling of this situation?"

Erik shrugged, "I'd have to say they handled it perfectly."

The reporter looked at him stunned. "Do you mean to say, that you don't hold the government responsible for this injustice."

Erik looked at him confused, "No, I don't, why should I? I see no reason to blame the whole government for the deeds of a misguided few."

"Look at it this way, I'm a mechanic by trade, and we have a saying "You can't fix it until you know what's broke. Ms. Thomas found out about it and wrote her article. This made the people contact their representatives and they told them how they felt about it, telling them it was wrong. Then, it went up to the President, who I assume had somebody look into it. Once they found out, they did something about it and fixed it."

Erik, smiled at him, "This was done in a period of days; how can you complain about that?"

Then he added, "Actually, I'd like to thank the President personally and whoever he had find out about it for their handling of it. I really don't see how it could have been done any better or faster."

The reporter looked at Erik again stunned by what he said. He was kind of hoping to have him say they blamed the government. But he was right damn it.

Then he asked, "Well then, what do you think should be done with these, misguided few as you put it, as punishment?"

Once again Erik shrugged, "I'm sorry sir, but I really have no comment on that right now. Since I have no information, other than what I heard on the newscast on who or why, I don't think it would be right to speculate at this time. However, since our leadership handled the affair so well, I have to assume that they will handle that as well and decide that the punishment would fit the crime."

Victoria was sitting there trying not to laugh out loud, Erik had played them just like he did her. And they didn't even have a clue they were being manipulated.

The reporter smiled again, "Since we have a little more time, I just have one more, or maybe two questions, they are of a more personal nature, so I'll leave it to you if you want to answer. But I'm a little curious, I've notice that you have used the term "our people" a few times, why is that? Just because your mated to one of them or is there another reason?"

Erik smiled and took Katja's hand in his. "I say our, because I love and respect these people and since I am mated to one of them, it's important to me, my mate, and any others that come after us. From the first day I walked aboard, I have been treated with nothing but respect and kindness. They have treated me as one of them from the start because I was mated to one of them and they treat me no different than one of their own. So, I figure that I owed it to them to help them. Look at me, they made me one of their officers and every single one of them treats me with the respect due the rank no matter that I'm human."

Then Erik smiled and added, "And now that everything will be back on track, someday, they will be part of us in the end and we will be one people."

The reporter nodded his understanding, then said, "I just have one more thing, now that everything is getting back on track, as you put it, when do think you'll get married?"

Erik grinned, "I'm no too sure, I've heard nothing official on when we will be able to. I know from the broadcast that the president wanted this straightened out ASAP, but I was in the US Navy long enough to know the amount of red tape it takes for something like that. As we are Mated, being able to get married by our laws here will just make some things easier to happen and get done." So, to answer your question, as soon as we see something official in writing."

The reporter nodded, "Yes, I see what you mean, it's one thing to say it and a whole other thing to implement it."

Then he looked at Katja. She was one of the most beautiful females he had ever seen. Even her tail, ears and fur, made her more beautiful and exotic than different. So, he smiled at her and asked, "Lieutenant Katja, you've been quiet through all this, do you have anything to add?"

Katja smiled back, her eyes twinkling, "No sir, I don't believe I do, and I need to apologize for not adding anything to the interview. I'm afraid I got a little, uh, what is the English word? Camera Shy I think you call it. But as my Mate said, I too would also like to add my thanks to your countries leadership for fixing this problem and helping us. It is very much appreciated." Katja smiled at him once more.

The reporter was flustered himself. She was so beautiful, with the most amazing set of eyes he ever saw. The problem really came when she smiled. As beautiful as she was, when she smiled at you, the only word he could think of was breathtaking.

"Uh, thank you Lieutenant and it's quite all right, a lot of people get shy in front of the camera."

"Well, I guess that concludes the interview." The reporter said. "I'd like to thank everyone here for answering our questions and suppling us with their thoughts on the situation. Also, a very large thank you to Senior Lieutenant Woodes and his Mate Lieutenant Katja, and it should be mentioned that these ranks are new as they were recently promoted." He laughed, "Just in case anyone who read Ms. Thomas's original article, wondered why I was getting their rank wrong. "Again, thank you all."

Erik stood and unhooked the mic from his uniform and then helped Katja with hers. They walked over to a grinning Uncle Geoff and Victoria, and a smiling Mr. Sharpe. Then the commander said to everyone, "Since it's going to take them a while to clear all this out, why don't we head to my quarters for some tea and coffee."

They all agreed and they headed out. The minute they entered the room and the door closed, Mr. Sharpe came over to Erik smiling, "Thank you Erik, maybe you don't know it, but with that one simple speech, you won the thanks of this administration for a long time to come. By publicly putting the blame where it belonged I can guarantee that things will happen very quickly."

Victoria laughed loudly, "Oh, he knows exactly what he did Mr. Sharpe. Erik you played them like a virtuoso plays a violin."

Erik grinned at her and "I know, granted I do think what I said was true. The secret is when and how you say it to get the most advantage out of it."

Mr. Sharpe looked a little bewildered, so Victoria explained it to him which got him grinning wider and wider as it dawned on him what Erik had did and why.

He looked at Erik shrewdly, then asked, "Have you ever thought of going into the diplomatic corp. Erik?" He smiled, "You'd be very good at it."

Erik got a shocked look on his face, "NO, absolutely not." Then he turned to grinning uncle Geoff, "And sir, don't you be getting any wild ideas also, I know that look now. I swear to the Goddess, I'll take Katja and head to the north pole."

They all laughed at him and Katja came over to hug and calm him down.

In Washington DC, for the first time in many days, the President smiled. He had been watching the live feed of the interview and heard when that wonderful young man had exonerated this office, him, and the entire government with one simple statement.

He called his aide over, "Joseph, I want two things. One, I want something official out in the next two days so that young couple there can get married, make it very public, I think an executive order would be appropriate. And two, I want to see those two here. That can wait until everything settles down a little more, but I want them here to thank them personally."

Then he thought for a moment, "No, scratch that Joseph. I think a better idea is to arrange something so I can go to see them at the ship after everything calms down instead. I think that will look better, it won't look like were trying to hide something."

Joseph grinned and nodded, "Yes sir, I'll take care of it right away, it should ready for Wednesday or at the latest Thursday, I believe televising it would be appropriate."

The president smiled again. "Yes, I believe your right Joseph."

Joseph walked away smiling to himself, he knew exactly what and why that young man said what he did and how he said it. He played them so well, that they didn't even now they were being played. He had a professor in college that taught him the same process in his pollical science class. He laughed out loud and wondered if he could convince the young man to take a job.

He stopped at his office and thought he'd call Sharpe to let him know what was going on.

Erik, Katja and the others sat talking and the steward set out some tea, coffee and some of the small pastries the Commander liked. As they sat talking and partaking of the refreshments, Mr. Sharpe's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and smiled an held his hand up as he answered it.

"Good morning Joseph, how are you this fine morning?" Sharpe grinned and replied, "Well, that's wonderful. Yes, I most certainly will let them know, I'm having coffee with them right now as a matter of fact."

Sharpe grinned again, "Sure I'll ask him, but just so you know, I asked something along that line and he threated to move to the north pole." He listened some more then replied. "Okay, I'll try. Yes, he most certainly did. What? You're kidding me. Yes, Joseph, I most certainly will and you too. Please pass along my thanks to the president. Call me if you need anything."

Mr. Sharpe shut off his phone and said to them smiling, "Well, that was the president's aide. He wanted for me to let you know that the president will be issuing an executive order granting your people immigrant status. In the president's own words, "I want to see those two young people get married." The official change will come after that of course because there is much more to it than just that. But that will allow you, and anyone else the same rights as any other legal immigrant."

Erik and Katja grinned as did Geoff and Victoria. Then Sharpe continued, "Also in a few weeks or so, the President wants to come here and visit. And of course, to thank you personally for what you said today Erik for exonerating his office, him, and the entire government with that one simple statement you made."

Then he grinned and said, "Oh and Erik, the Presidents Aide Joseph asked me to tell you, "Well Played." Apparently, he learned the same thing you did and he wants to know if you'd like a job in his office." He grinned and continued, "I told him what you said when I asked you, but he still thinks it would be a good place for you to do some good."

Erik turned to Katja and said, "Ariel and Tony can take care of the house and we'll need warm clothes, it gets cold up at the North pole."

Katja grinned to herself knowing he was kidding, "How about the Australian Outback instead love, I really don't like the cold all that much, and I've never seen a kangaroo. Oh, and my brothers there, we can visit.

"Sure, that's fine by me my mate, whatever you want."

Sharpe and the commander started to laugh at the two of them. Then Sharpe said, "I told him you'd say that, but he was serious about it."

Erik shook his head no, "No, that's not anything I'm really interested in. We already have kind of plan about what we'll be doing after everyone moves away. Our roommates and us have been discussing about starting our own repair shop."

Sharpe smiled, "Yes, that does sound more like you, but as I said, I'm sure he'll ask when they come here."

Then Erik said, "Well I'm just glad all this worked out, but we're about ready to go home. I think it'll be fine now. But we haven't slept in our own bed for like 5 days and I for one am ready for it."

Katja stood also, "Erik's right, neither of us slept very well last night."

"We'll be in tomorrow, I've got work to do and so does Erik helping me and Ariel change a few things." Katja smiled, "I'm not going to say I really liked today, but it wasn't as bad as thought it would be."

So, Erik and Katja walked down to the garage to see if Ariel needed a ride home. Ariel smiled, then said, "No, you two go home. Tony is coming to get me and we're going out to dinner and whatever afterwards. So, you two will have the house to yourselves for a few hours or more."

Erik and Katja said that sounded good to them and that they'd see her later. They drove back home, and they didn't see anyone waiting for them. Hopefully, everyone got all the info they needed and they'd be left alone.

They walked in and the next thing Erik knew Cleo was making a beeline for them. She jumped into Erik's arms meowing and rubbing against him, then she licked his face and she jump into Katja's and did the same.

She finally calmed down, so Katja put her on the floor and they walked into the bedroom to get changed.

They helped each other undress, licking and kissing various parts as they became visible. Erik knelt down and pulled her pants down then let the slide to the floor. He wrapped his arms around her ass and pulled her close and kissed her mound through her panties. He breathed the scent of her in and felt his cock harden. He slowly pulled them down, kissing her as skin became visible. Once he had them all the way down, they join her pants on the floor. She pulled first one foot out, then the other and using her foot pushed them off to the side. She reached down with a smile and pulled her mates face to her pussy, shuddering as he licked up her slit. Katja moaned his name, "Yes love, I've wanted you tongue on me since yesterday, it feels so good. Please don't stop, make me cum."

Erik massaged her ass cheeks as he slid his tongue up and down her slit. Each time he reached her clit, he swirled his tongue around it, and she would pull him in to harder each time he did. Finally, he concentrated on her clit to make her cum. He started to suck on it and licked her at the same time. She had him held against her so hard, he couldn't move his head, just his tongue and Katja was fine with that.

Erik knew she was close as he tasted more of her juices, always a sure sign she was close. Then he felt her shudder and she yowled out his name telling him she was cumming. Erik held her up as he felt her legs go loose and he stopped sucking on her and started to lap slowly at her clit to keep her orgasm going.

Katja growled as he felt her mates tongue start to lap at her. She loved him so much, he always tried to give her as much pleasure as possible even when doing something as simple as lapping at her. She moved her pussy up and down against his mouth and tongue as she held his head.

Then he picked her up never loosing contact with her and sat he on the bed and pushed her back down. He crawled up kissing as he went then pulled her close holding and stroking her. He smiled and kissed her saying, "All better now kitten?"

Katja purred and snuggle closer kissing him, "Yes, I am my love. You always make me feel better and sated." She stroked his back and with a grin, wrapped her tail around him and between his legs to curl it around his cock. As she kissed him, she tightened and loosen her tail almost like if she was using her hand.

Erik grinned as he felt her tail wrap around him and he purred himself as he kissed her back. "I do so love your tail kitten." He told her.

Katja smiled at him and started to lick and kiss around his jaw, then worked her way up to his ear. She licked around it and said, "Umm, I know you do my love." Then she bit on his ear lightly as her tail tighten and loosen on him. He groaned as he felt it, the really nice thing was that when she did it, her tail would sort of curl around it back and forth as if she was twisting with her hand. She was driving him crazy, he kissed her were her shoulder met her neck and licked and sucked the spot. Then he nibbled at her making her shudder.

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