Walking Wet Dream

He cried out, sounding as though he were in pain. Jesse pulled back instantly afraid she had hurt him. Using her hips to pull her back toward him, he rested his uninjured cheek on her chest while attempting to gather his breath.

"Did, did I hurt you," she asked tentatively stroking his hair?

He groaned, and laughed simultaneously. "It was a good hurt. Trust me," he murmured his energy drained.

She smiled kissing the top of his head.

"Can we lie down," he mumbled feeling sleepy and sated?

Grinning she felt his open palm on the small of her back as he propelled her toward his room.

"You go first, I'll be right back."

Gage shuffled to the bathroom seeing the huge wet spot on the front of his shorts laughing. Shaking his head he removed them completely, then carefully wet a washrag and cleaned himself, before returning to his room in all his glory.

Jesse was lying on his bed, her eyes closed when she heard the click of the door and saw him enter. A blush filled her face although she didn't look away. She'd seen him naked before just not in this particular setting. Reaching for a pair of shorts he quickly put them on before climbing on the bed next to where she sat.

"Will you take a nap with me," he asked stretching out.

She smiled. "I'd love that." Her mind raced at what this meant, his kiss this new intimacy. Maybe it all equaled to nothing and he just needed to be kissed. She didn't know and couldn't ask it wasn't as if he'd asked her out on a date or anything, so she lay there her mind reeling from the knowledge that even if he considered it nothing, she had for a moment been his. Curling up next to him she drifted off a short time later.

He felt as if he were floating. Never had an orgasm made him feel so completely at peace. His eyes drifted shut, a smile plastered on his face as he slipped into a deep contented rest.

Shadows fell over the room when she woke up. Her eyes looked about confused. Then she noted the empty space next to her and wondered if she had dreamt the thing in the kitchen. No, it was real she was certain of it. Taking a deep breath she sat up wiped the sleep from her eyes hastily and headed toward the kitchen.

"You liked it, but you can't date her?"

"Look at me Marty. I'm in no condition to date or do much more than what we did earlier, although God knows I enjoyed it.

"Who says you have to do more. You can still kiss and touch, why do you have to have everything all at once? I doubt very seriously our virginal Jesse could handle you at full tilt."

"Damn it Marty, I've thought about it, this can't happen again, she would only get hurt."

"What can't you do again? All you did was kiss, there isn't anything to get so upset over."

"Don't you understand, I kissed and touched Jesse?"

Marty narrowed her eyes at her cousin not understanding why he wasn't over the moon.

"She's not..."He paused briefly, giving Marty a chance to yell at him further.

"Not what, what is she not Gage? Not beautiful?

"Stop," he said on a low whisper.

"Not your usual type, what is it oh yes, cheap," she pressed?

"Marty," he said giving her a look.

"Oh I see, Jesse's not going to be an easy fuck so why expend the effort right?"

Gage had opened his mouth at the same time he heard a gasp behind him.

Her eyes widened even as they grew moist with tears she struggled to keep at bay. "I-I should be going, good night." With that she grabbed her purse from the kitchen counter, running to the front door as though the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels.

She had driven two blocks before pulling over to have a good cry. He was hers for all of five minutes and then she woke up. She wished the kiss had been a dream then it wouldn't matter and everything would go back to the way it was. Why couldn't she have just stayed away? He didn't need her help and obviously didn't want her, so why did she feel the need to push herself onto others, when it was clear to them if not to her that her efforts were foolish. An active imagination gone awry to believe that anyone would need her, resting her head on the steering wheel, she continued to weep bitterly. She remained there for the longest before eventually heading back to her apartment, stopping along the way for some fast food. She hadn't eaten all day and was starving.

She wondered like most women as she accepted the bag of artery clogging food if her weight played any part. He was used to dating waifs and all other versions pertaining to that description.

A few more tears fell as she thought about her other flaws that may or may not have also contributed to his second thoughts. Taking her bag of fast food she rubbed her eyes as she slowly made her way to the front door of her apartment.

"Where have you been I've been worried sick?"

Marty and Gage were standing next to the front door, her face full of concern his filled with worry.

Lowering her eyes she held up the fast food she had gotten.

"Unless there was only one employee working the whole damn thing that only accounts for, what, ten minutes at the most?" Gage was angry and on edge, he had begun to think the worst after the first half-hour.

Opening the front door she led the way into her apartment feeling sad and off kilter, not wanting to deal with this at all. She just wanted to eat her dinner and go to bed. "I'm sorry guys I didn't expect you to come here."

Gage could see how red and wet her eyes were not to mention the tear streaks on her face.

Marty grabbed her in a hug, "Yeah right like we were just gonna let you run off like that. Not after what he did and I said. We need to talk about this."

Jesse shook her head, "No, we really don't. I just want to eat and go to bed. I bet you and Gage have talked enough for the both of us and he's still at the same impasse he was before. Am I right?"

Pursing her lips Marty was unable to look Jesse in the eye.

Her cousin on the other hand sat there on the sofa blushing.

"There is no reason you or he could come up with that would make me feel any better tonight, so let's just let sleeping dogs lie, please Marty.

Releasing a sigh, she turned putting her hand on Jesse's shoulder, "Then at least let me apologize for what I said in the kitchen. I was just so pissed at Gage for being stupid and not wanting to follow through that I said some awful things. You know I don't believe anything I said, right?"

"I know you don't." Jesse took a deep breath wishing she had as much faith in herself as Marty seemed to have in her.

He had gotten up and moved to stand next to Marty. "I don't believe them either."

"Thanks Gage."

It wasn't what she said, but how she said it that let him know she didn't believe him and it hurt more than he wanted to admit.

They both left a short time later.

Although she appreciated their concern she wished they hadn't come at all. It was obvious she had been crying, which was humiliating in and of itself without adding the unintended consequence of looking as though she wanted his pity. No woman would ever want to guilt a man into dating that was just pathetic. Sitting on her sofa she had another good cry before drifting off.

"You are aware we just kicked the best friend we ever had to the curb right?"

Biting his lip he looked down at his hands. "Yeah, I feel awful."

Marty nodded. "Me too."

"Do you think she'll ever forgive us," he asked his stomach queasy.

Marty slid into the driver's seat cringing. "I hope so."

Jesse hadn't been back to Marty's in three weeks. She had no real reason to go, and just didn't want to go through that awkward first visit that she knew was going to come. Instead she went to work and came straight home, back and forth, back and forth.

Her phone rang on Thursday afternoon.


"Jesse it's uh Gage."

"Hey Gage. How are you?"

"Fine. I just wanted to ask you for a favor." He paused waiting on her answer.

Biting her lip, she sighed. "Of course, what do you need, is everything alright?"

"Yeah things are great I uh, just need you to come over. Would you please come?"

"What for?"

"I wanted to show you something?"

"Uh, I guess, I should be there in fifteen, unless you need me to stop by the store."

"No, not really."

"Ok see you in a bit then."

Jesse hung up the phone feeling confused. What on earth was that about she muttered to herself. Turning to grab her purse off the counter she headed back out still in her pencil skirt, raw silk blouse and three inch heels.

Gage was not accustomed to seeing Jesse dressed for work and was blown away instantly. She looked amazing and those heels had his pulse jumping.

"I uh, hi Jesse. Wow, you didn't have to get dressed up."He was standing there in his tiny pt shorts looking adorable.

She shook her head with a tiny smile. "This is what I wear to work silly, now what did you need that was so important," she asked in an amused voice?

Look he said in a happy voice, indicating his chest, which still held shiny places to indicate where the burns had been.

She looked up at him confused, "I've seen your chest numerous times."

He tilted his head with a laugh, "Never mind, I guess I'm going to have to demonstrate." Then he stepped really close to her and pulled her into his arms in a tight embrace.

"Gage, oh my god you can hug again." Her voice was excited and high pitched as she pressed herself to him, before kissing his neck absently.

A shiver ran down his back in response. He continued to hold her a little longer than was necessary, but he just couldn't help it. He was happy and wanted to share it with her.

"So," she said pulling back a bit. "When did this happen?" Her hand lightly stroked his chest.

The day before yesterday, the doctor gave me some special lotion that is supposed to help the skin return to normal or somewhere close."

"Honey that's wonderful. When do you report back for duty," she asked still standing much too close for his sanity.

"Two more weeks and then it's back to work. God," he said shaking his head, "I've never missed my job so much."

"I know, but it's all downhill from here."

He nodded grinning while picking her up briefly to spin her around. "Gage," she squealed.

Putting her back on her feet he led her to the kitchen. Marty did a double take. "Wow Jesse, you look amazing."

"Thanks." She shrugged not understanding what all the fuss was about. She was dressed for work and that required looking polished.

"So cuz what's for dinner?" He grinned then turned to Jesse, "You're staying right to help me celebrate?"

Jesse sighed seeing the gleam in his eyes knowing that she just couldn't say no to him.

"Yes Gage, I'll stay for dinner."

Again he pulled her close.

"Has he been this affectionate with you too," she asked turning to Marty, still locked in his arms?"

Marty laughed. "He's making up for lost time."

"I see that," she giggled.

Even though Jesse knew it wasn't sexual and that he didn't want more, it still felt good that he had chosen to share this mile stone with her. After all three months was an excessively long time to be incapacitated for any reason. Eventually though he did let go.

She leaned against the cabinet talking to Marty, while snacking on bits of raw veggies that didn't make it from the cutting board into the pot.

"So you've been seeing who now?"

"Dane from accounting. He's well, how to put this, delicious."

Jesse snorted. "Hmm and are you assuming this based on his looks or have you taste tested this guy?"

"Maybe a nibble," Marty said with a blush.

"Wow, ok, and?"

Grinning like a chessire cat she just made a 'mmmmm' sound.

Giggling uncontrollably, Jesse's face turned red. "So uh," giggle, "what's next in your play book?"

Marty sighed, "I'd love to see him naked, and then who knows where that might lead to?"

Gage sat listening in fascination, unable to stop himself from commenting. "Unless he's dead, sex would be the next logical conclusion."

"Ha," Marty said smugly. "I know for a fact Jesse's seen you naked plenty of times."

Looking away with a blush he sighed, "I was too crispy and besides, Jesse is a lady." Sticking out his tongue at his cousin he smiled happy to have countered her comment.

Looking bemused, Jesse smiled at him, "Thank you Gage."

"And I'm not," she asked playfully, "you'd better think long and hard about that before I leave you to starve."

"Hmm. You are the most virtuous of women."

That had Jesse burst out laughing.

Marty smirked at her friend, "Something to say?"

"A bit overmuch, don't you think?"

"Maybe a touch, but no more than a touch," Marty offered with a mischievous grin.

Their relationship had been somewhat repaired that night. Each slipping back into their friendship comfortably, well maybe not so much for Gage as his body was reacting to hers on so many levels he thought he would go insane. His suggestion for Marty to throw a dinner party seemed the perfect solution to his troubles. He wanted and needed a bit of relief from a well used female who could play the game and not be hurt. With that in mind he waited and as predicted a few girls came including Jesse as well as a couple of guys from his unit. But unlike all the times before, he was no longer the center of attention. His buddies, which had escaped the fire were treated like kings while the women walked a wide birth around him. He didn't think he looked that bad. Sure he had a scar on his cheek and yeah the skin was a bit shiny in places, but the other side was perfectly nice and Marty had said the scar made him look dashing, and heroic maybe a little dangerous like a pirate, either way it was a good thing right?

He went through the motions looking a bit lost and eventually stepped into his room for some privacy.

Now it was plain to Jesse if no one else that something was very wrong with Gage. He wasn't acting like himself, if anything he seemed insecure. When she saw him leave the patio she didn't think much of it, but when he failed to return ten minutes later that's when she got worried. At first she thought that maybe he was with one of the women here but they were all present and accounted for. With a sigh of relief she opened his bedroom door to see him head down tears in his eyes.

Coming in on silent feet she closed the door and locked it. That's when he realized he wasn't alone and stiffened, while wiping at his eyes ineffectually.

"What," he asked gruffly feeling humiliated?

"I missed you out there. You ok?"

Shaking his head he shrugged.

"Aw honey, it's ok." Taking a seat she pulled him into her arms. "None of them are worth the pain you're feeling."

He froze not realizing that she understood his sadness.

"Gage, I care about you and I'm not blind. I've seen how they look at you now compared to how they used to. Some women can only see what's staring them right in the face and while at times that is pleasant and fun, it's not lasting, it can't be. When beauty fades the heart and mind must be engaged in order for anything worth having to survive. Those girls out there, who are playing at being women are all about now, short term and will eventually end up alone because of it. You are having to learn your lesson the hard way. I've always believed you were deeper than your looks, and now you need to see that as well or you'll never heal from this."

Hugging her to him he released a sigh, "I'm glad I know you."

He had said it with such warmth and kindness, she almost broke into tears.

Knowing that they wouldn't be able to leave the room unless she added some levity to the moment she pulled back. Looked him in the eyes then leaned in for a kiss. Pulling back again she grinned, "I'd do you."

Startled he looked at her again seeing the laughter in her eyes.

Coming to her feet holding out her hand she grinned. "Come on stud, people will think you've had your wicked way with me if we stay in here much longer."

A nervous smile filled his face. "Would that make you uncomfortable, them thinking that?"

Eyeing him up and down like a prize stud she said in a deceptively sexy tone, "I've seen you naked luv, you don't look the least bit," she paused, enjoying the way he had just stopped breathing, "uncomfortable".

He released his breath in a long low whistle. "You did that entirely too well Jesse."

Giggling she skipped out of his room even as he chased after her playfully gathering her in his arms for a real hug.

"Thanks Jesse," he whispered quietly in her ear.

Kissing his cheek she danced away from his embrace, but not before three others saw grinning at him knowingly.

They continued to flirt and tease, but nothing ever came of it. Marty was getting dizzy just watching them dance to the edge, never allowing themselves to fall.

"M-marty?" She was sitting with her back against the wall knees drawn up as she sobbed into the cordless.

"Jesse, honey are you crying?"

Jesse nodded then realized Marty couldn't see that through the phone and sniffed a sad, "Y-yes."

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"S-someone broke in, th-they took everything. I-I don't know what to do."

"I'm on my way. Stay there. Did you call the police?"

"Mmmhmm, but they just wrote out a r-report."

"On my way. Don't move."

Gage had just come out of his room. "Where you going so fast?"

"Jesses. She's really upset, her apartment was broken into," she said moving through the kitchen toward the garage even as she spoke.

"I'm going with you." Jumping in the passenger's seat Gage fidgeted nervously wishing she would drive faster.

The door lock was still broken and the door itself was barely closed. Gage pushed it open while rushing up the stairs to see that Jesse's furniture completely gone they'd left nothing electronic either.

"Jesse. Baby?"

She looked up at him her face filled with sadness. "They took everything Gage."

He nodded even as Marty gasped, shocked to see that they had indeed taken everything. Walking back to the bedroom she realized they even took her bedroom suit. What kind of thieves were they, apparently they were well prepared. Although Jesse didn't have a lot of furniture to begin with what she did have had been good quality and the thieves obviously agreed. Damn them.

Opening the closet she was relieved to see clothes. Grabbing a handful of them she removed the bunch from the closet and headed out to the car, popping the trunk she laid them neatly in the back. Running upstairs once more she grabbed another load. Next came the shoes and then she headed to the bathroom for her makeup and hair things. She would have Gage and his friend's comeback tomorrow with boxes to pack up the kitchen and whatever was left on the walls.

"I'm sorry I'm acting so silly, it's just," she paused to push the tears from her face, "they took everything. I mean I'd be upset if they took the tv and stereo, but this is so much worse. I can't afford to replace everything. I doubt seriously the insurance will cover everything."

"You're not being silly, you're being practical." Taking her hands from her face he looked into her eyes. "Look at me, worrying about it won't fix it. We need to deal with facts. So, fact one, I am here to take you to my house where you will be safe and sound. Fact two, you will have the distinct pleasure of enjoying my presence all night long."

She giggled.

"And fact three when you talk to the insurance company tomorrow you will know how and when and what you can replace. Alright?"

Nodding she leaned forward kissing his cheek. "Thanks Gage."

Gage stood up seeing Marty's determined face, "Are we ready to go?"

She nodded holding up Jesse's makeup bag. "We're good."

Taking Jesse's hands he pulled her to her feet.

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

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